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4.5 mm, but the paperboard plate peaked at 9 mm. According
to the experimental results, these observations could be reasoned by the reflection and absorption, because different materials have different reflection and absorption characteristics for
wireless signals, which could affect the channel response to a
certain extent. This provides important insights into selecting
substitutes for the human body.
VI. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we proposed BeSense, a device-free and real-time
WiFi-based system to analyze common human behaviors (surfing, working and gaming) around computers. BeSense has been
prototyped on low-cost and ubiquitous WiFi infrastructures
and evaluated in extensive real-world experiments, where its
performance has been verified. We envision WiFi playing a
vital role in behavior recognition with its ability to offer
satisfactory recognition results. This area opens many exciting and critical future research problems such as the following:
Removing the dependence on the antenna deployment:
BeSense relies on the Fresnel zones to capture micro-gestures
via manually adjusting the antenna deployment. It is quite challenging to remove such dependence to develop a system that
can automatically adjust the Fresnel zones.
Interference between gestures: Different types of
gestures interfere with each other when they alternate, and
this degrades the detection performance. How to eliminate
these effects is still an open issue. Moreover, whether there
are other factors that affect the micro-motion experiment
is still unclear.
High-performance recognition with more behaviors:
It will be even more beneficial by detecting more daily behaviors
such as drinking and eating, which have not been well addressed
in the literature. The challenge lies in how to express each different behavior. Recently popular deep learning schemes may be
more suitable to solve this issue and need to be studied.
Hybrid behavior recognition: A variety of behavior
analysis schemes can be found in the literature, each of which
has limitations and advantages. A hybrid system composed of
multiple selected tools may result in more satisfactory results.

This work is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 61432004, 61772169,
National Key Research and Development Program under
Grant No.2018YFB0803403, the Fundamental Research Funds
for the Central Universities under No.JZ2018HGPA0272.

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - November 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - November 2019

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - November 2019 - Contents
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