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Guest Editorial

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(continued from page 11)

is prototyped on low-cost and ubiquitous
WiFi devices and evaluated in extensive
real-world experiments. Experimental
results verify the effectiveness of BeSense
in recognizing user behaviors.
The last paper, "ADMM Empowered Distributed Computational Intelligence for Internet of Energy" by W.
Zhong et al., proposes an approach that
employs Alternating Direction Method
of Multipliers (ADMM) as the theoreti88

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cal framework for the design of distributed computational intelligence in
Internet of Energy (IoE). The authors
discuss the challenges of ADMM implementation in IoE and propose a joint
computing and networking resources
management architecture to meet the
challenges. Numerical results show that
this architecture could reduce the computing and communication costs of
ADMM implementation.


The guest editors would like to
thank all the authors for their contributions to the special issue, and all
reviewers for their voluntary services.
Special thanks go to the Editor-inChief, Prof. Hisao Ishibuchi, and all the
members of the editorial team for their
support during the editing process of
this Special Issue.


IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - November 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - November 2019

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