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emotion-aware and emotion-unaware multi-task architectures
over combinations of three tasks: depression level classification,
depression level regression and emotion intensity regression.
Strong evaluation including new metrics and class-wise results
shows that emotion-aware models outperform emotion-unaware
baselines in a vast majority of tested situations over the standard
benchmarks DAIC-WOZ and CMU-MOSEI. We anticipate
that our work will help to reduce the number of cases of late
treatment of depression, as one can always get an estimate of his/
her PHQ-8 score, without needing to consult a psychiatrist,
especially considering the stigma surrounding this illness. However, current results are not accurate enough to help the therapist
in his diagnosis as model performance is still too low.This should
be a great motivation for future work in depression level estimation. Such research directions include (1) the combination of
text, visual and acoustic modalities following the ideas of [10],
[17], [33], (2) the study of different concurrent tasks for depression estimation and (3) the creation of larger datasets to better
evaluate depression models in terms of class-wise results, that
may also include new biomarkers or descriptors.

Dr. Sriparna Saha gratefully acknowledges the Young Faculty
Research Fellowship (YFRF) Award, supported by Visvesvaraya
PhD scheme for Electronics and IT, Ministry of Electronics
and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India,
being implemented by Digital India Corporation (formerly
Media Lab Asia) for carrying out this research.

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - August 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - August 2020

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