United States Rt 4 3 2 1 0 Vermont Michigan South Carolina Arizona North Dakota Oklahoma Utah New Mexico Florida Oregon Arkansas Massachusetts Nevada Tennessee North Carolina Georgia Idaho Texas Missouri Kentucky South Dakota Maine Iowa Washington California Louisiana Alabama Connecticut Virginia Minnesota Indiana Ohio Illinois New Hampshire Kansas Pennsylvania Rhode Island New York Mississippi Delaware Maryland Wisconsin Colorado Nebraska New Jersey West Virginia 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Averaged Rt of the Week Ending 31st May 2020 3.5 FIGURE 10 The averaged R t values in different states of the United States. We report the result of averaged R t in the US during the week ending 31st May 2020, which is ranked by the averaged R t value (annotated with green if above 1, bottom). States with total confirmed cases less than 1,000 are excluded from the analysis. 32 IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2020