IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 6

e) Standards: To be relevant, we need to
develop a CIS Standards Committee
strategy to leverage our technical
expertise while being demand-driven.
We will work with IEEE Standards
Association (SA) to drive Standards
for AI technology, such as the Consortium
on the Landscape of AI Safety
(CLAIS), and contribute to IEEE SA
Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) and
IEEE SA P7000 family, focused on AI
and Ethics. To this end, the CIS Standards
Committee will report to the
I&GA to identify industry needs, with
a dotted line to Technical Activities to
leverage our technical know-how. To
achieve this goal, we will work in
coordination with Prof. Luis Magdalena,
Technical Activities VP.
f) Government Engagement: We wish to
establish and improve CIS relationships
(b) I&GA Membership Diversity
Increase number of experienced Industry
volunteers (e.g., Sr. Members and Fellows).
Increase # Industry
Sr. Members
Increase # Industry
Fellow Nominations
(d) I&GA Structure
Evolve the industry support structure
within CIS: from Industry Ad-Hoc to
Committees and Task Forces,
Executive Advisory Board, etc.
Ad-Hoc Committee
&. Industry Task Force/TC
Techn. Supp. Lead. Comm.
Executive Advisory Board
(f) Government Engagement
Increase Gov. relations with AI-friendly
agencies, inviting them to CIS Structure.
Leverage IEEE and IEEE USA to
contact AI-Friendly Gov. Agencies
Understand Gov. AI policies and Issues
Create MOU and related services
(e) Standards
Work with IEEE SA to drive standards
for AI technology, such as the Consortium
on the Landscape of AI Safety (CLAIS).
(g) Industry Engagement in Conf.
Attract industry sponsors of conferences,
exhibits; Increase Industry participation;
Create a CAI attractive to Industry.
Industry Outreach
in Conferences
Increase Conf. Sponsorship
CAI for Industry
FIGURE 1 Interactions of I&GA's Vision Components. The arrow between two components indicates the most likely direction of influence. For
instance, the component I&GA Structure (d) could influence the refinement of Industry Drivers (a) by eliciting them from the Industry leaders in
the Executive Advisory Board (EAB). Similarly, members of the EAB could guide the priorities of CIS Offerings to Industry (c), suggest potential
demand for new Standards (e), and share their view in conference panels, impacting Industry Engagement in Conferences (g).
Workshops and Conferences
with AI-friendly government agencies,
such as the National Artificial Intelligence
Initiative (, the European Approach
to Artificial Intelligence (https://digital
the European AI Alliance (https://digital
european-ai-alliance), etc. We want to
invite their thought-leaders as speakers
at CIS conferences to describe their initiatives
and the research oppor tunities
that they entail. Finally, we would like to
leverage IEEE USA to identify critical
contacts within the US Government.
g) Industry Engagement in Conferences: We
want to create a forum within CIS
conferences, in which Industry can
participate without having to submit
scholarly papers. Industry leaders can
define current and future challenges
(a) Industry Drivers
Create CIS value proposition for Industry.
Elicit Voice of the Customer (VoC) to
identify drivers for Ind. Engagement.
Start Voice of the Customer
(VoC) Within CIS)
Develop External VoC
Update External VoC
that AI/CI technology could address.
We can achieve this with focused
panels or keynote speeches. With
increasing industry participation in
CIS conferences, we will grow conference
exhibits, sponsorships, and,
more importantly, guidance to make
AI/CI technology relevant to Industry
needs. To this end, we have created
an Industry Day within the 2022
IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence (WCCI 2022). We
are also organizing the 2023 Conference
on AI (CAI), which will take
place in June 2023 in the Silicon Valley/San
Francisco Bay Area. CAI will
showcase this new format, which
should be attractive to Industry. To
achieve this goal, we will work in
coordination with Prof. Marley Vellasco,
Conferences VP.
(c) CIS Offerings to Industry
Create services and products for
Industry: White papers, Position Papers
and Reports, Webinars, Tutorials,
Panels, Workshops, Ind. track Papers;
Industry Days, Full tracks in Flagship
Conf., Standards for AI Ethics;
Journal aimed at Industry,Industry
presence (Invited Talks/Panels) in
Industrial conferences, Industry
White Papers and Webinars
Tutorials and Conf. Panels

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - Cover1
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - Cover2
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - Contens
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 2
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 3
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 4
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 5
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 6
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 7
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 8
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 9
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 24
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