IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022 - 8

Humboldt Fellowship, Changjiang Chair
Professorship from Education Ministry
of China, Outstanding Research Award
and President's Award of City University
of Hong Kong, as well as several best
conference paper awards.
Prof. Feng is an IEEE Fellow, an associate
editor of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
Systems, Journal of Systems Science &
Complexity, Autonomous Intelligent Systems,
and Guidance, Navigation & Control,
and was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man & Cybernetics,
Part C, Mechatronics, and Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. He is also on
the Advisory Board of Unmanned Systems.
Evolutionary Computation
Pioneer Award
Darrell Whitley, Colorado State
University, USA
For early contributions to the practical implementation
and theoretical understanding of
evolutionary algorithms.
Darrell Whitley is a
Professor of Computer
Science at Colorado
State University.
He served as the
Chair of the International
Society of
Genetic Algorithm from 1993 to 1997,
and as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal
Evolutionary Computation from 1997
to 2003. He was Chair of the Governing
Board of ACM SIGEVO from 2007 to
2011. He was named an ACM Fellow in
2019 for his contributions to the field of
genetic and evolutionary computation.
His early contributions to Evolutionary
Computation include creating the
first Steady-State genetic algorithm (the
GENITOR algorithm), applications in
scheduling and resource allocation, and
popularizing the use of efficient forms of
rank-based selection. His recent contributions
to Evolutionary Computation
include showing it is possible to compute
the exact location of improving moves
under mutation and local search for all
k-bounded bit representations in constant
time, thus making random mutation obsolete
for problems such as NK-Landscapes,
spin-glass problems and graph coloring.
IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks and Learning Systems
Outstanding Paper Award
" Robot Learning System based on
Adaptive Neural Control and Dynamic
Movement Primitives, " by Chenguang
Yang, Chuize Chen, Wei He, Rongxin
Cui, and Zhijun Li, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.
777-787, March 2019.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
Systems Outstanding Paper Award
" A Consensus Model for Large-Scale
Linguistic Group Decision Making With
a Feedback Recommendation Based on
Clustered Personalized Individual
Semantics and Opposing Consensus
Groups, " by Cong-Cong Li, Yucheng
Dong, and Francisco Herrera, Vol. 27, No.
2, pp. 221-233, February 2019.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation Outstanding
Paper Award
" One Pixel Attack for Fooling Deep
Neural Networks, " by Jiawei Su, Danilo
Vasconcellos Vargas, and Kouichi Sakurai,
Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 828-841, October 2019.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive
and Developmental Systems
Outstanding Paper Award
" Brain-Inspired Cognitive Model With
Attention for Self-Driving Cars, " by Shitao
Chen, Songyi Zhang, Jinghao Shang,
Badong Chen, and Nanning Zheng,
Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 13-25, March 2019.
IEEE Transactions on Games
Outstanding Paper Award
" ViZDoom Competitions: Playing
Doom From Pixels, " by Marek Wydmuch,
Michał Kempka, and Wojciech
Jas´kowski, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 248-259,
September 2019.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging
Topics in Computational
Intelligence Outstanding
Paper Award
" StarCraft Micromanagement With
Reinforcement Learning and Curriculum
Transfer Learning, " by Kun Shao,
Yuanheng Zhu, and Dongbin Zhao, Vol.
3, No. 1, pp. 73-84, February 2019.
IEEE Computational
Intelligence Magazine
Outstanding Paper Award
" Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems for
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Why,
When, What for, and Where to?, " by
Alberto Fernandez, Francisco Herrera,
Oscar Cordon, Maria Jose del Jesus, and
Francesco Marcelloni, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.
69-81, February 2019.
Outstanding Chapter Award
IEEE CIS Student Branch Chapter, G
H Raisoni College of Engineering,
Nagpur, India.
Outstanding PhD
Dissertation Award
Ye Tian for his thesis
ent i t led " Solving
Complex Multi-Objective
Problems by Evolutionary
Algorithms "
for the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy, Anhui University, China,
February 2018.
Supervisor: Xingyi Zhang, Anhui
University, China.
Abstract−Many problems in scientific
research and engineering applications
involve multiple objectives to be
optimized simultaneously, which are
collectively known as multi-objective
optimization problems (MOPs). Evolutionary
algorithms have exhibited
satisfactory performance in solving
MOPs, but they may encounter difficulties
when tackling complex ones,
such as those with many objectives, a
large number of decision variables, and
irregular Pareto fronts. To address these
issues, this thesis customizes a number
of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
solving several
complex MOPs. The main contributions
of this thesis contain the following
five parts:
Firstly, this thesis proposes a strengthened
dominance relation for solving
many-objective optimization problems
(MaOPs), called SDR. The proposed
SDR uses an adaptive niching technique
based on the angles between objective
vectors to detect the dominance
types of

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2022

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