IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2022 - 47

When (, ),dp p 0=ts
then the model is perfectly calibrated.
Other measures have also been proposed. Examples include
the expected calibration error and some discretized variants of
the distance from the actual calibration curve to the ideal calibration
curve [16].
VIII. Conclusion
This tutorial covers the design, training and evaluation of
BNNs. While their underlying principle is simple, i.e., just
training an ANN with some probability distribution attached
to its weights, designing efficient algorithms remains very challenging.
Nonetheless, the potential applications of BNNs are
huge. In particular, BNNs constitute a promising paradigm
allowing the application of deep learning in areas where a system
is not allowed to fail to generalize without emitting a
warning. Finally, Bayesian methods can help design new learning
and regularization strategies. Thus, their relevance extends
to traditional point estimate models.
Online resources for the tutorial:
Supplementary material, as well as additional practical examples
for the covered material with the corresponding source code
implementation, have been provided.
This material is partially based on research sponsored by the
Australian Research Council (Grants
DP150100294, DP150104251, and DP210101682), and Air
Force Research Laboratory and DARPA https://afrl.dodlive.
mil/tag/darpa/ under agreement number FA8750-19-2-0501.
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2022

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