IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 8

Gary G. Yen
Oklahoma State University, USA
Gary G. Yen received
the Ph.D.
degree in electrical
and computer
engineering from
the University of
Notre Dame in
1992. He is currently
a Regents
Professor in the School ofElectrical and
Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State
University in USA. His research interest
includes intelligent control, evolutionary
multi-objective optimization, conditional
health monitoring, signal processing, and
their industrial/defense applications.
Gary served as an associate editor of
the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
during 1994-1999, IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation
during 2005-2022. He is currently serving
as an associate editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Emerging Topics on
Computational Intelligence, IEEE Transactions
on Artificial Intelligence, and
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. Gary
also served as Vice President for the Technical
Activities, IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society in 2004-2005 and
was the founding editor-in-chief of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine,
2006-2009. He was elected to serve
as the President of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society in 2010-2011
and is elected as a Distinguished Lecturer
for the term 2012-2014, 2016-2018, and
2021-2023. He received Regents Distinguished
Research Award from OSU in
2009, 2011 Andrew P Sage Best Transactions
Paper award from IEEE Systems,
Man and Cybernetics Society, 2013 Meritorious
Service award from IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society, and
2014 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Excellence Teaching award. He is a FellowofIEEE,
IET, and IAPR.
Alice Smith
IEEE CIS 2022 Fellow Committee Chair
IEEE Fellows - Class of 2023
Yike Guo
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, Hong Kong
For contributions to data mining and its
Professor Yike
Guo is the Provost
ofthe Hong Kong
University of Science
and Technology
He is concurrently
a Chair Professor
in the Department
ofComputer Science and Engineering.
Professor Guo received his first-class
honours degree in Computing Science
from Tsinghua University in 1985 and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCI.2023.3248879
Date ofcurrent version: 6 April 2023
obtained his Ph.D. degree from ImperialCollegeLondonin1994.
He has
been a full Professor in the Department
of Computing of Imperial College
London since 2002. He was the Founding
Director of the Data Science Institute
at Imperial College London since
2014. In 2015-2020, Professor Guo
was appointed as Non-Executive Dean
of the School of Computer Engineering
and Science in Shanghai University
and he is now the Honorary Dean of
the School. Prior to joining HKUST,
Professor Guo was the Vice President
(Research and Development) and the
Dean of Graduate School at Hong
Kong Baptist University from 2020 to
Professor Guo is a world leading
computer scientist with research focuses
on machine learning and data mining for
large-scale scientific applications including
distributed data mining methods,
machine learning, and informatics systems
for biology, chemistry, geophysics,
healthcare, environment, economy,
finance, social media, creative design,
and art applications. Most recently, he is
working as the principal investigator of
the research project " Building Platform
Technologies for Symbiotic Creativity
in Hong Kong " , which was awarded
funding of HK$52.83 million by the
Hong Kong Research Grants Council
(RGC)'s Theme-based Research
Scheme in 2021. It was the first time
RGC had allocated a major grant to an
art-tech project.
Professor Guo is Fellow of Royal
Academy of Engineering (FREng), a
Member ofAcademia Europaea (MAE),
Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - Cover1
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - Cover2
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - Contents
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 2
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 3
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 4
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 5
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 6
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 7
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 8
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 9
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 10
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 11
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 12
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 13
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 14
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 15
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 16
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 19
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 21
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 22
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 23
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 24
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 25
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - 28
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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - Cover3
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - May 2023 - Cover4