©iStockphoto.com/Jiraro praditcharoenkul Visualizing the Internet of Things Advanced Interaction and VR/AR Naturalizing human-computer interaction by incorporating AR features. By Konstantinos Michalakis, John Aliprantis, and George Caridakis M odern consumer electronics (CE) devices have evolved such that human interaction with machines is ever more natural and effective. The forthcoming deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT) over the existing Internet infrastructure promises to expand this interaction by providing applications and services that allow the human-computer interaction to integrate an automated customization of everyday life [1]. The vision is very optimistic on the amount of smart objects (SOs) deployed around us as the building blocks of the IoT. Experts forecast that 28 billion "things" will be connected to the Internet by 2020 [2]. The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society will likely not be focused on technical details of the IoT (for a detailed technical overview, refer to [3]). It will be of great interest, though, to achieve a level of perception equal to that of natural environments [4]. Armed with their smartphones, the consumers of the IoT will require that SOs be more visible to and interactive with them. Valli [5] argues that system designers should introduce natural interaction models into the next age of interfaces to allow users to switch from the traditional mouse/keyboard pattern to more natural ways of interaction. Since the IoT shifts our attention to physical objects once again, it is important to establish the appropriate interaction paradigms. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2018.2797638 Date of publication: 10 April 2018 64 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ^ MAy 2018 2162-2248/18©2018IEEEhttp://www.iStockphoto.com/Jiraro