IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 24

It was found that PAC and video
instruction have a different effect
on participants' dance learning
performance and satisfaction.
Figure 10 shows the comparison of the average scores of the
waving dance learning performance test between the experimental group and the control group. The dancers' performances were evaluated by the professional teachers using the
code of rating levels for the hand-waving dance. The pretest
average score of the experimental group was 10.33, and the
average score of the control group pretest was 10.62, indicating there is no significant difference between the dance foundations of the two groups ^t = 0.001, p = 0.334 > 0.05h .
It is obvious that the posttest scores of the experimental group
^M = 17.27, SD = 1.335 h were higher than their pretest scores
^M = 10.33, SD = 0.488 h. According to the t-test results, this
demonstrated a significant difference (t = 8.06, p < 0.001) . The
posttest scores of the control group ^M = 16.27, SD = 0.799h
were also higher than their pretest scores ^M = 10.62,
SD = 0.507h . A significant difference is apparent according to
the t-test results (t = 9.433, p < 0.001) . Next, the posttest scores
of the experimental group ^M = 17.27, SD = 1.335h were higher than the posttest scores of the control group ^M = 16.27,
SD = 0.799h . According to the t-test results, this also showed a
significant difference between the dance performance in the posttest of the two groups ^t = 3.623, p < 0.001h .

After the intervention, the satisfaction scale was used to
investigate the satisfaction level of the two groups. The











Optional Methods

Timely Feedback

Control Group

Experimental Group

FIGURE 11. The average score on the satisfaction scale for both

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interview was carried out to provide an explanation for the
satisfaction scale results and suggestions for the dance
learning method. Figure 11 shows the test results of the
two groups.
The red area in Figure 11 shows the outcome of the experimental group survey. The experimental group's evaluations on
engagement, usability and user friendliness, self-assessment,
timely feedback, and progress controllability, as well as interestingness, are higher than those in the control group and show
a good response from participants in the experimental group,
according to the results. The average score of each of those
items is higher than 3.76, which is close to the agree dimension.
The stability, optional methods, and satisfaction are still to be
developed, though these evaluations are higher than the control
group, too. The blue area in Figure 11 is the outcome of the
control group's satisfaction scale. Though the usability, stability,
progress controllability, and interestingness are relatively higher
than other aspects, the average score of each of those items is
less than 3.3, which is acceptable.
According to the interview of the experimental group, some
participants felt that the PAC is very interesting and worth popularizing further to promote dance education. They suggested
that the PAC be used in dance classes and experience centers
for the hand-waving dance to enhance the experience and
interest of students and tourists who are interested in the dance.
Some participants were greatly involved in dance learning, and
they thought the PAC could help them concentrate on their
movements during dance practice. Because the device in the
PAC is handy and inexpensive, it can be used to research and
develop a personal dance instructor.

The game-based learning system PAC is researched and
developed in this article. It provides a new method to evaluate
and improve learners' performance of the hand-waving dance,
aimed at the protection of the Tujia hand-waving dance culture. The evaluation of the PAC system is based on the experimental results of the dance performance and satisfaction
compared with traditional video instruction. It was found that
PAC and video instruction have a different effect on participants' dance learning performance and satisfaction.
As for the dance performance, the results showed an improvement in performance for those who used the PAC to practice the hand-waving dance, indicating the game-based learning
system is effective in dance learning. According to the pairedsamples t-test results, the dance performances of participants in
both groups improved compared with the pretest, demonstrating
a significant difference. The result can be explained by the theory that all participants invested time and effort into learning and
improvement. The findings of the study are that the PAC is
more effective in dance learning improvement according to the
statistical results, demonstrating a significant difference between
the two groups. One possible explanation may be that the
experimental group used the PAC to control the learning system, and the PAC combines game elements and dance movements while practicing the hand-waving dance. The motion-sensor


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018

IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - Contents
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 4
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 5
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 6
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 7
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 8
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 9
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 10
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 11
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 12
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 13
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 14
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 15
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 16
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 17
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 18
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 19
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 20
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 21
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 22
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 23
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 24
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 25
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 26
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 27
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 28
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 29
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 30
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 31
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