IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - July 2018 - 43
of player types in digital games, VR developers should consider the differences between users' preferences toward
immersion. Only then will consumer VR be attractive to various user groups in the long run.
aBout tHe autHoRS
Jonathan Harth ( earned his
Ph.D. degree in sociology. He is a research fellow in the
Department of Sociology at Universität Witten/Herdecke.
Alexandra Hofmann (
earned her B.Sc. degree in clinical psychology, trained as a
physical therapist, and has a teaching practice at Universität
Mike Karst ( is studying philosophy,
politics, and economics at Universität Witten/Herdecke.
David Kempf ( is studying philosophy, cultural reflection, and cultural praxis at Universität
Annelie Ostertag ( is studying philosophy, cultural reflection, and cultural praxis at Universität Witten/Herdecke.
Isabell Przemus ( is studying
philosophy, cultural reflection, and cultural praxis at Universität Witten/Herdecke.
Bernhard Schaefermeyer ( is studying philosophy, politics, and economics at
Universität Witten/Herdecke.
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july 2018
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
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