Relations between innovation and standardization, innovation and market development, as well as innovation and business success, are discussed with examples. The article titled " How was the world's first single-tube color video camera for home use born? " introduces the world's first home use color video camera IK12 released in 1974. It was so small and light weight that even women can use it and it opened up a new market for home video cameras. How the groundbreaking single tube color video camera for home was born are discussed from a technical point of view. The guest editors sincerely believe that this Special Section will not only be a good reading for consumer technology researchers around the globe but also provide some hints to engineers, researchers, industrial experts, and other stakeholders to make innovations in the field of consumer electronics. The guest editors would like to thank all the authors for their excellent contributions and the reviewers for their help in reviewing the manuscripts. Haruhiko Okumura is a Senior Fellow with the Corporate Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki, Japan. Contact him at May/June 2021 83