Theme Article: Special Section on the IEEE InternationalInternational Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems Design and Analysis of Secure Quasi-Adiabatic Tristate Physical Unclonable Function Hemavathy Sriramulu, Vettuvanam Somusundaram Kanchana Bhaaskaran Vellore Institute of Technology Abstract-Hardwaresecuritymoduleshavebecomequintessentialas the digital systems continue evolving.Thephysical unclonable function (PUF) is ahardwaresecuritymodule that exploits the intrinsic variations in manufacturability of integrated circuits.Proposed quasiadiabatic TristatePUF isaweakPUF.Thismakesuseof theinadvertent threshold voltage variationsofPMOStransistors introduced duringmanufacturing.Thedesigndemonstrates lowerenergyconsumption thanthoseconfiguredusingcomparableCMOS logic counterparts, under varying temperatureandpeakvoltage conditions.Thedesignhasbeencompared against adiabaticPUFdesignsolutions found in literature.Theenhanceduniquenessand increased reliability characteristicsevenwhile operatingatdifferent environmental conditions havebeenpresented. Its robustnessagainstdifferential poweranalysis isanalyzed using the variation analysis.ThePUFdesigngeneratesa128-bit response,whichcanbevery effectively used for Internet of ThingsandRFIDapplications requiring lowerenergy values to operate. & COMPUTING DEVICES ARE ubiquitous. They are widely found in numerous applications due to the increased use of Internet of Things (IoT). An Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2021.3117541 Date ofpublication 4 October 2021; date ofcurrent version 7June 2022. ecosystem is created where the appliances are connected and conversed with each other. This enables smarter handling of home and industry tasks. These appliances store sensitive data that need to be safeguarded from attackers to ensure the safety of the ecosystem. Hardware security devices with minimum energy consumption are needed for these applications. The physical 98 2162-2248 ß 2021 IEEE Published by the IEEE Consumer Technology Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine