Theme Article: Special Section on Security, Trust, and Services for AI-Empowered Sensing in the Next Generation IoT Evaluation of the Service Capability of Maritime Logistics Enterprises Based on the Big Data of the Internet of Things Supply Chain System Shiping Zhu Zhejiang College of Security Technology Guobiao Du Zhejiang University of Technology Guobiao Du JiaxingTechnician Institute Abstract-Marine logistics is one of the main forms of transnational transportation, and the transportation of goodsbetween multinational companies and even countries mustbe realized through marine logistics. Since maritime logistics involves various factors, such as overseas tariffs and transportation routes, the logistics service capabilities of maritime logistics companies cannotbe evaluated by a single standard. This article aims to study the service capabilities of maritime logistics enterprises basedon the supply chain system of the Internet of Things big data. In the context of the Internet of Things, the workflow of Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2022.3150270 Date ofpublication 11 February 2022; date ofcurrent version 9 February 2023. 100 2162-2248 ß 2022 IEEE Published by the IEEE Consumer Technology Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine