Theme Article: Special Section on Security and Privacy-Aware Emerging Computing AI-Driven EEC for Healthcare IoT: Security Challenges and Future Research Directions Muhammad Adil State University of New York, Buffalo Muhammad Khurram Khan King Saud University Ahmed Farouk South Valley University Mian Ahmad Jan Abdul Wali Khan University, Pakistan Adnan Anwar Deakin University Zhanpeng Jin South China University of Technology Abstract-Emergingedgecomputing (EEC)hasbeen introducedasaninnovativeparadigm for the healthcare applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) that aims todistribute thenetwork resources at the networkedges to improvesecurity,communication, anddecision-making processes.Theoperationof healthcare IoTapplications typically needsthepresence of interoperablemodules.Despitenumerousbenefits, these applications facemanysecurity challengesat the network edge. In this context,advancedartificial intelligence (AI) techniquescanbeusedat thenetworkedges for theseapplications to efficiently utilize the available resourcessecurely.Tothis end,weaimtopresent adetailed surveyof healthcare IoT applications in the context ofAI-enabledEECtechnology to identify unresolved security challengesthat need attention from theresearchcommunity andhealthcare stakeholders, andthen suggestpotential research directions to giveaclear future insight. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2022.3226585 Date ofpublication 5 December 2022; date ofcurrent version 13 October 2023. January/February 2024 Published by the IEEE Consumer Technology Society 2162-2248 ß 2022 IEEE 39