Alex Peake tries out the Surveilluminescent wand invented by Steve Mann. Beth Veinott and her daughter participate in a hands-on experience with Steve Mann. During his keynote speech, Mann used hand gestures to control his computer. a US$241 billion industry!) and also the inventor of the high dynamic range imaging that is used in many mobile phones today and the inventor of the Eye Tap Digital Eye Glass in 1985. Mann gave the keynote presentation "Augmediated Reality Gaming" and, practicing what he preached, used hand gestures to control his computer during his talk. Mann brought together many of the different ideas and talks under a unified framework, "fieldary user interfaces," building on Gershon's concept of human information interaction [1]. Mann surveyed many interfaces and interaction devices that could be used in gaming as well as to enrich life experiences and to overcome disabilities while contextualizing them in terms of fieldary user interfaces [2]. He described, for Streamframe is leveraging the technology platform developed by Streamline to help game developers and creative agencies with distributed productions. 68 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ^ july 2015 Elena Bertozzi and Nitin Guleria experimenting with an Integral Kenesiology (Integral Kinematics) exercise system.