IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 127

Bits Versus Electrons

The Internet Is About
By Bob Frankston


y last column was about
application programming
interfaces (APIs). APIs represent a programmatic view of
systems. Devices function in a context
and in relationship to other devices, but
they do not function in isolation.
The Internet is about facilitating
these relationships as opposed to traditional networking, which is all about
"the between." To realize the benefits
of the Internet approach we need to
focus on the relationships.
A "wiring diagram" approach defining relationships between devices is
complementary to the API approach and
gives us a way to visualize relationships.
I put the term "wiring diagram" in
quotes so we do not confuse it with
physical circuits. With a wiring diagram,
we can specify the result rather than
how it is to be accomplished. A webpage is a powerful example. We link to
images and other pages without having
to be concerned about the mechanics of
fetching and displaying the page.
This ability to focus on the end points
of the relationships and not the complexities of what is between those end points
is the powerful "magic" that has made
today's Internet so transformative. Of
course, this is not sorcery but rather
defining architecture of the Internet.

Relational databases show the power
of this approach. Early databases
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2015.2463413
Date of publication: 29 October 2015

were carefully laid out to optimize
performance on disks to the point that
some databases contained actual disk
I/O instructions in the database. The
database designer carefully specified
a path through the disk drives to
reach the data.
Relational databases were very different. The tables of data would be related
simply by having common identifiers-
index keys. Typically, these were just
arbitrary numbers but they could also be
names or any common identifiers. This
approach not only decoupled the data
from the accidental properties of the
hardware, but it also flattened the database to simple tables whose relationships were described by schemas.
This allowed databases to be restructured without having to change data values and it also allowed schematic
evaluation. A series of SQL queries
could be combined symbolically without
actually accessing the data, and the
resulting query would not need to access
all of the original data. One innovation
in databases is the use of a globally
unique identifier (GUID), which is
essentially a long random number that
allows disconnected databases to generate their own keys without having a central source of identifiers.
The lessons of relational databases
inform our understanding of the Internet
and the importance of understanding the
use of relationships as an architectural
mechanism. I use the term "mechanism"
to avoid referring to the relationships as
a layer on top of a file system or other
implementation. Rather, the file system

is used as a resource. Conversely today
we have NOSQL databases, which are
often defined as "not only SQL." They
can use SQL itself as a mechanism.

The web's success owes much to similar principles. Web pages (especially in
the days before JavaScript) describe the
relationships between pages-the
links-without specifying how they are
to be implemented. The very term
"World Wide Web" builds on this idea.
The pages themselves are descriptions of how the information should be
presented without specifying how that is
to be accomplished. This is the way we
should think about the Internet as a
whole-relationships between end
points be they devices, webpages or
people. Of course, there are no real
wires tying these end points together.
The relationships exist abstractly or, to
put it colloquially, in our imagination.
When the time comes to actually follow
the link, we may find out it is not valid.
Not only is that OK, it is essentially
to the distributed nature of the web. We
learn to handle such failures gracefully.
Sure a 404 is annoying but far better
than crashing your computer.
Too bad the domain naming system
(DNS), as with the Heinz example
given in the "A Circuitous Path" subsection does not allow for gracefully
retiring names.

Today we are increasingly using the
Internet to connect things or, perhaps,

october 2015


IEEE ConsumEr ElECtronICs magazInE



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015

IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 4
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 5
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 6
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 7
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 8
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 9
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 10
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 11
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 12
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 13
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 14
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 15
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 16
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 17
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 18
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 19
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 20
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 21
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 22
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 23
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 24
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 25
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 26
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 27
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 28
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 29
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 30
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 31
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 32
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 33
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 34
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 35
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 36
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 37
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 38
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 39
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 40
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 41
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 42
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 43
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 44
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 45
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 46
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 47
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 48
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 49
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 50
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 51
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 52
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 53
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 54
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 55
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 56
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 57
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 58
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 59
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 60
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 61
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 62
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 63
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 64
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 65
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 66
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 67
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 68
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 69
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 70
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 71
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 72
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 73
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 74
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 75
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 76
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 77
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 78
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 79
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 80
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 81
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 82
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 83
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 84
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 85
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 86
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 87
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 88
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 89
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 90
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 91
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 92
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 93
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 94
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 95
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 96
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 97
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 98
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 99
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 100
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 101
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 102
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 103
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 104
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 105
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 106
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 107
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 108
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 109
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 110
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 111
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 112
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 113
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 114
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 115
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 116
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 117
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 118
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 119
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 120
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 121
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 122
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 123
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 124
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 125
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 126
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 127
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 128
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 129
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 130
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 131
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 132
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 133
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 134
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 135
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 136
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 137
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 138
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 139
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 140
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 141
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 142
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 143
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 144
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover4