Why would someone prefer electronic more? Preference of Media by Category * If they are consuming a whole issue of a technical magazine or journal issue, there was an equal split between media preference. - We periodically get requests for a way to download entire issues from IEEE Xplore. * If they are consuming one article at a time (non-subscription) the preference is 56% electronic, with only 32% saying print. * The reasons were supplied in the survey, but the percentages are not surprising. Why would someone prefer print issues? How frequently do users self-print their electronic content? * Note that the top reasons refer to resting from the computer. IEEE ceasing to print will necessitate their self-printing for this "rest." * The usability features most noted for print: browsing ("paging") 58% and also ease of annotation/note-taking 51%. * Single journal papers received are often/always self-printed when received electronically by 42%. * Surprisingly, even 10%-13% of respondents say they often/ always self-print whole magazine/journal issues when they receive them electronically. * Student preferences do not differ significantly from other grades. If we stopped print, would you continue to consume the content electronicly? * Having a category "entire journals" as well as "single journal article" may have muddied the answer a bit. Using just the single article as a guide, we would potentially lose 10% of readers if we ended print journals. * If we ended print magazines, 21% of readers may be lost. FIgURE 11. A survey of IEEE readership to establish patterns of access and preferences. october 2015 ^ IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 19