IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 24
Bob Frankston (third from the right) and Robin Bradbeer (right) attending a round-table
discussion with Hon. Charles Mok (second right), Legislative Councilor, IT, and colleagues
on 4 June 2015.
The Hong Kong Chapter Executive Committee at a recent committee meeting. Back row,
from left: K.F. Tsang, Edmond Chan, and Bernard Fong. Front row, from left: Edward
Cheung, George Woo, and Robin Bradbeer.
The Wireless Symposium, a full-day workshop at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 2014.
24 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
october 2015
Society conferences in its lifetime.
These include the International Symposium on Consumer Electronics in
2000 in Hong Kong and in 2006 in
Macau as well as the Games Innovation Conference in 2010. Many members of the Chapter have also been
active in the organization of IEEE
International Conference on Consumer
Electronics China (ICCE-China), held
just over the border in Shenzhen, with
Chapter members serving as conference chairs and also holding positions
on the Organizing Committee for the
past two events. This focus on conferences is a consequence of the problems
involved with trying to organize technical seminars on a weekday evening.
Before China adopted the five-day
week, factory visits across the border
were popular for members, especially
students. This has become more difficult, as many factories are now closed
on weekends.
However, full-day workshops coorganized or supported by other groups
are successful. For example, in June
2014, the Chapter collaborated with
IET Hong Kong to run a one-day
workshop on wireless systems. This
attracted nearly 100 people and featured talks by local experts as well as
hands-on demonstrations from companies like Agilent.
The Chapter is run by an executive
committee. Currently, Dr. Bernard
Fong is the Chapter chair, George Woo
is the vice chair, Edward Cheung is the
treasurer, and Dr. Robin Bradbeer the
secretary. Fong is with Hong Kong Productivity Council, Woo is with KEF,
Cheung is at Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, and Bradbeer is retired from
the City University of Hong Kong. The
executive committee meets around four
times a year. All Chapter members are
invited to attend these meetings. The
spring and mid-autumn dinners also
give members a chance to socialize,
usually over wine sampling. The Chapter and Section AGM in January is a
more sober affair.
Members of the executive committee are active in the IEEE Hong Kong
Section and, over the years, have
been officers in the Section. The
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 4
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 5
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 6
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 7
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 8
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 9
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 10
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 11
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 12
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 13
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 14
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 15
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 16
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 17
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 18
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 19
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 20
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 21
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 22
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 23
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 24
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 25
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 26
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 27
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 28
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 29
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 30
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 31
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 32
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 33
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 34
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 35
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 36
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 37
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 38
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 39
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 40
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 41
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 42
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 43
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 44
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 45
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 46
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 47
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 48
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 49
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 50
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 51
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 52
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 53
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 54
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 55
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 56
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 57
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 58
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 59
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 60
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 61
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 62
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 63
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 64
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 65
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 66
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 67
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 68
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 69
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 70
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 71
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 72
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 73
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 74
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 75
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 76
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 77
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 78
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 79
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 80
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 81
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 82
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 83
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 84
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 85
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 86
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 87
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 88
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 89
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 90
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 91
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 92
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 93
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 94
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 95
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 96
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 97
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 98
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 99
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 100
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 101
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 102
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 103
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 104
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 105
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 106
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 107
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 108
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 109
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 110
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 111
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 112
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 113
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 114
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 115
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 116
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 117
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 118
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 119
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 120
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 121
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 122
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 123
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 124
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 125
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 126
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 127
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 128
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 129
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 130
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 131
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 132
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 133
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 134
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 135
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 136
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 137
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 138
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 139
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 140
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 141
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 142
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 143
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - 144
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2015 - Cover4