The UPM was the location of the exciting technical conference. Tom Coughlin expresses his far reaching future visions. Meet the "guardians of CE's future"-Peter Corcoran, SoumyaKanti Datta, Tom Coughlin, and Bob Frankston. CE Society TV covered the event, which was available on YouTube. The audience was rapt with attention to know how their champions envisioned the next generation of CE technologies. Jeong-Hoon Park from Samsung, Korea, gave a keynote on ultrahigh definition. Those troublemakers from the "Futures" panel came back to disrupt things again; this time they were taking about the "Internet of Things" and were joined by Joe Decuir. Jeong-Hoon Park explained how 4k video data are four-times larger and more difficult to handle than full-HD and how this is challenging modern CE technologies in terms of data bandwidth and energy requirements, particularly for mobile devices. october 2015 ^ IEEE ConsumEr ElECtronICs magazInE 45