(a) (b) FIGURE 4. (a) An eye-gaze plot showing how user attention is attracted by banners on a website [29]. (b) A gaze heat map showing that videos on a webpage attract maximum attention. (photos courtesy of simpleusability.com.) Affiliative Gaze Referential Gaze Gaze Toward Participant Gaze Toward Participant Gaze Toward Map Gaze Toward Map (a) (b) FIGURE 5. (a) A virtual lecture delivered with various gaze patterns [28]. (b) eye-gaze tracking in a virtual avatar [30]. gaze from passing glances and the requirement for specialized hardware and simple user interfaces due to difficulty in handling complex tasks by gaze gestures. gAze trAcking in mArketing And e-commerce Innovative ways of studying consumer attention and response toward online products and advertisements are emerging through tracking user eye-gaze patterns and mapping them into gaze plots and heat maps that reveal salient information about a brand or its representation [24]. Interesting results from such user-gaze surveys include statistical methods for reorganization of web page content to maximize user attention as well as information about the relative significance of images and videos in a web page, restricting the quantity of advertisements per page, and enabling suitable social media content (e.g., Tweets and "likes") to increase consumer focus (Figure 4). mAjor limitAtions Fundamental issues include the fact that gaze maps may not reveal anything about the higher-level processes of user october 2015 ^ IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 69http://www.simpleusability.com