IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 4
interesting articles and acts as a sounding board for some of my more unconventional ideas-thanks, Tom, for all
your efforts. Another big thanks goes to
Will Lumpkins. Will also contributes a
regular column on new CE products
and often takes his personal time to test
and evaluate some of these new CE
gadgets. He also helps to solicit articles
on a regular basis and coached and
briefed me during my early dealings
with IEEE Publications. A big thanks
goes to Katina Michael, who helped to
establish and develop our "Impacts"
section of the magazine. Katina is EiC
of IEEE Technology in Society Magazine and a frequent coauthor on articles.
I give my thanks to our presidential
leadership over the past six years, first
to Stephen Dukes, who established the
initial president's column for the magazine and has frequently helped to solicit
interesting articles from the industry.
Thanks also to Stefan Mozar and to our
current president, Sharon Peng, for
their regular contributions to the magazine and for their support over the last
few years. It is important for our membership to see the president's vision for
the CE Society, and the regular president's column provides an excellent
communications channel for the Society leadership.
I also thank our regular columnists:
Bob Frankston, David Allen Grier, Stu
Lipoff, Tom Coughlin, Anirban Sengupta, Veronica Lancaster (CTA), Mike
Bergman (CTA), Bill Bisenius, Will
Lumpkins, and Susanne Wende.
Thanks to Soumya Kanti-Datta, for his
many contributions on the Internet of
Things, and to Tom Wilson, Carsten
Dolar, and, most recently, Abdullah
Almuttiri for their reports on Young
Professionals activities within the CE
Society. My appreciation extends to
Robin Bradbeer for her reports on local
Chapter activities and Chapter profiles; to
our conference chairs, especially Tomohiro Hase and Dietmar Hepper, for putting
up with my persistent requests for "hires" images; to Joe Decuir for his many
articles on emerging CE technologies
4 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
and engaging reflections on early gaming machine designs; to our Champions
of CE, Kees Immink, Ulrich Reimers,
Ralph Baer, Steve Wozniak, Stephen
Dukes, Stu Lipoff, and Joe Decuir. And
thanks to Petronel Bigioi for facilitating
and contributing to multiple articles
and to all the authors who contributed
to the magazine.
Nurturing the magazine to
its current state and being
comfortable to hand it over
has afforded me a great
sense of achievement.
Finally, a special thank you to Craig
Causer, our managing editor in the
Magazines Department at IEEE Publications. Craig has played a huge role
behind the scenes, including working on
the original design of IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine and selecting the
right articles to win numerous industry
publishing awards. He is also the guy
who turns the complex jumble of content that I hand over into the final, polished production issue of our magazine.
I've written before, on many occasions,
about volunteer work [1]-[4], and I'm
pretty sure that I'll be given many
opportunities to continue to support
IEEE and the CE Society as an active
volunteer in the future. However, I don't
believe that I'll ever get an opportunity
as challenging or that can provide the
same scope for personal realization as
being EiC of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. Nurturing the magazine to
its current state and being comfortable
to hand it over has afforded me a great
sense of achievement, and I am very
grateful to everyone in the CE Society
for giving me this opportunity-a big
thank you to every single member of the
CE Society!
But now that I am leaving, the
magazine and its incoming EiC needs
october 2016
your input and support more than ever
if it is to continue to develop and
reach new heights. This transition
offers a great opportunity to grow and
develop, but without your input and
support this opportunity won't be fully
realized. So I strongly urge more of
you to engage with the new EiC and to
consider volunteering and contributing
to the magazine. There are many ways
to do this, from helping to source
interesting content to making your
own contribution-see my April editorial for more details [4]. You might
also consider formally joining the editorial board [5]-this can provide
more range to solicit articles, but
please only ask to join if you intend to
be an active member and can deliver
regular contributions.
To conclude, I return to the quotation that introduced this editorial. It is
fitting because, while I do have strong
feelings about retiring from my leadership role with IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, I am comfortable
that it is in good shape to hand over to
our new EiC, Saraju Mohanty, and I
am equally confident that his are a
safe pair of hands to carry on the
work of building and developing
the magazine. And so there will be
no weeping, although I do confess
that my heart I bid you
all adieu!
[1] P. Corcoran and T. Coughlin, "CE society at
2014 IEEE sections congress," IEEE Consumer
Electron. Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 19-23, 2015.
[2] P. Corcoran, "Elevate yourself? It's easier
than you think!," IEEE Consumer Electron.
Mag., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 3-9, 2015.
[3] R. Reilly, "The IEEE in Ireland initiative:
An update on progress and activities," IEEE
Consumer Electron. Mag., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 28-
31, 2016.
[4] P. Corcoran, "Writing for IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine," IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 3-9, 2016.
[5] CE Magazine Editorial Board, "Member
roster," IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag., vol. 4,
no. 4, pp. 34-39.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - Cover1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - Cover2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 1
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 2
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 4
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 5
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 6
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 7
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 8
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 9
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 10
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 11
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 12
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 13
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 14
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 15
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 16
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 17
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 18
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 19
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 20
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 21
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 22
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 23
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 24
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 25
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 26
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 27
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 28
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 29
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 30
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 31
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 32
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 33
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 34
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 35
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 36
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 37
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 38
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 39
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 40
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 41
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 42
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 43
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 44
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 45
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 46
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 47
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 48
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 49
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 50
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 51
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 52
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 53
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 54
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 55
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 56
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 57
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 58
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 59
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 60
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 61
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 62
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 63
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 64
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 65
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 66
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 67
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 68
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 69
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 70
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 71
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 72
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 73
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 74
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 75
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 76
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 77
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 78
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 79
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 80
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 81
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 82
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 83
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 84
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 85
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 86
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 87
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 88
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 89
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 90
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 91
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 92
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 93
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 94
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 95
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 96
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 97
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 98
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 99
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 100
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 101
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 102
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 103
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 104
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 105
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 106
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 107
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 108
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 109
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 110
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 111
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 112
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 113
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 114
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 115
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 116
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 117
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 118
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 119
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 120
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 121
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 122
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 123
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 124
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 125
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 126
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 127
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 128
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 129
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 130
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 131
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 132
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 133
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 134
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 135
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - 136
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - Cover3
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - October 2016 - Cover4