Subject: Distribution: Target Audience: Virtual Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing: Now accepting proposals for Summer 2021! SPS members Prospective Seasonal School organizers as well as future conference organizers who would like to co-locate a Seasonal School with their conference are encouraged to submit a proposal. Virtual Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing Summer 2021 virtual proposals being accepted now! Are you looking to energize signal processing students, early stage researchers, and industry practitioners? Consider hosting a virtual Seasonal School for young engineers! Seasonal Schools are interactive events designed to provide attendees with specialized background in select signal processing topics. Professors and established practitioners work with attendees in virtual tutorials and applications, building meaningful collaborative relationships. The IEEE Signal Processing Society is happy to provide up to US$3,000 of support, on an application basis, to help offset the cost of these virtual workshops and conferences, and we're accepting proposals for virtual Summer 2021 Seasonal Schools now! At this time, in-person events are not being supported. Submit your virtual Seasonal Schools proposal today! Proposals for virtual Summer 2021 Seasonal Schools are due 8 January 2021, with final decisions announced on 1 March 2021. Proposal preparation guidelines can be found on the Seasonal Schools page on the SPS website. Questions about the SPS Seasonal Schools program? Visit the Seasonal Schools page on the Society website. Check back on the SPS website to keep up-to-date on upcoming Seasonal Schools! 10 DECEMBER 2020