Do you want to connect with leaders and peers, expand your network, and strengthen your signal processing community? Become a Technical Committee Affiliate Member! IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Technical Committees are communities for signal processing professionals to engage with SPS technical activities. All are welcome to be TC/SIG Affiliate Members, including non-SPS members, students, and young professionals! Connect with members among a broad range of disciplines and get involved with their activities: Technical Committees * Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing * Bio Imaging and Signal Processing * Computational Imaging * Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems * Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing * Information Forensics and Security * Industry DSP Technology * Machine Learning for Signal Processing * Multimedia Signal Processing * Sensor Array and Multichannel * Signal Processing for Communications and Networking * Signal Processing Theory and Methods * Speech and Language Processing Special Interest Groups * Big Data * Internet of Things LEARN MORE: [13] OCTOBER 2021