IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2022 Multimedia Prize Paper Award 2022 Multimedia Prize Paper Award Nomination Period is Open. Any paper published* in T-MM in 2019, 2020, or 2021 is eligible. Nominations should include: 1. Nominator 2. Bibliographic information for the paper 3. A short statement of support (less than 500 words) explaining the rationale for the nomination. Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter, timeliness, potential impact, and presentation quality. For the TMM Prize Paper nomination, the following apply to ensure the fairness and integrity of the nomination/selection process: * The nominator has not co-authored paper(s) with the nominated paper's authors in the past 10 years. * The nominator is not a former supervisor or student of a nominated paper's author. * A nominator's paper has not been nominated for an award by an author of the nominated paper (i.e, no cross-nomination) * No self nominations. Nominations should be sent to the T-MM Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jiebo Luo (jluo@ no later than 31March-2022. *final publication, not Early Access [12] FEBRUARY 2022