Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing ( JSTARS) (ISSN 1939-1404) jstars is now open access! Authhorr puublicaatiion cost (APC)) iss $1250 0 foor each acceppted manuscrript, whhich iss in parrt suupporttedd by thhe IEE EE GRSSS. J-STTAR RS is a fuully openn-accesss joournnal. Review Process what are the features? Each manuscript is allowed to revise once (either major or minor). No decision of " reject & resubmit " . A rejected paper is allowed to resubmit twice (after extensive revision). A manuscript with major revision decision has 4 weeks to complete revision, and a manuscript with minor revision decision has 2 weeks to complete. Reviewers are given 3 weeks to complete review for a paper after major revision, and 2 weeks for a paper after minor revision. For any question, please contact the Editor-In-Chief (EiC) at: Special Issues (SIs) No limitation on the number of SIs to be published per year. An SI paper is published immediately after acceptance without waiting for other SI papers. After all the accepted SI papers are published, Guest Editors (GEs) will publish an editorial for the SI. Each SI may have up to 3 free papers per GE's discretion. A template for SI proposal can be found at: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2020.3038508