34 Select One HS Band ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine (c) Blurred Synthesized Band - Addition Multiplication Low-Pass Filtering Downsampling Upsampling High-Resolution HS Data Repeat for all HS Bands High-Resolution HS Band MS Data HS Data MS Data HS Bands Interpolated HS Bands MS Basis (d) (b) + - High-Resolution Coefficients Low-Resolution Coefficients Detail Image Coefficients Synthesized Band Coefficients HS Basis MS Band Spectra Grouping Subspace Representation Multiplication Low-Pass Filtering Bandpass Filtering Downsampling Upsampling High-Resolution HS Data Multiplication Low-Pass Filtering Downsampling Upsampling High-Resolution HS Data Repeat for all MS Bands High-Resolution HS Bands FIGURE 3. (a) The categories of HS-MS fusion methods and their correspondence to the specific methods under comparison. Flowcharts of the approaches: (b) CS, (c) MRA (hypersharpening), and (d) subspace-based. Synthesized Band + Detail Image Calculate Scaling Interpolated HS Band FUSE/FUSE-S MAP-SMM Low-Resolution MS Data Subspace Representation MS Data Linear Regression HS Band (a) HySure Bayesian GLP-HS Select One MS Band Low-Resolution MS Data HS Data SFIM-HS MRA Subspace Methods ICCV15 ECCV14 CNMF Unmixing GSA CS Pan-Sharpening-Based Methods HS Data Select HS Bands Histogram Matching june 2017