IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 22
5 One: Multitemporal analysis may be beneficial
and can add new information, and it is possible to
achieve within the mission.
5 Two: Multitemporal analysis is of critical importance,
and it is possible to achieve within the mission.
2) Mission:
* Compatibility with the acquisition strategy,
d This obcas
jective indicates whether the use case is in line with
the acquisition strategy of the considered mission
(the duty cycle of the satellite, number of ground station
locations, capabilities to store data onboard, and
overall processing time, including data preprocessing
and AI inference):
5 Zero: The use case is not compatible with the strategy
and may decrease the overall mission return
(e.g., it requires acquisition retargeting, while the
baseline strategy assumes a constant nadir scan).
5 One: The use case is not compatible with the baseline
strategy. However, modifications to the strategy are possible
and do not have an adverse impact on the mission.
5 Two: The use case is compatible with the acquisition
strategy (e.g., the acquisition duty cycle, coverage,
and revisit capabilities).
* Potential of extending the mission perimeter and/or capacity,
This objective indicates whether the use case
has potential to extend the current mission perimeter
and/or capacity, e.g., in multipurpose/reconfigurable
missions, and it relates to the cost of the mission's
perimeter expansion. As for enhancing the mission
capacity, we may be able to have a higher scientific/
commercial return, for instance, by observing more
target sites than what could be achieved without data
analysis onboard a satellite:
5 Zero: The use case is already within the perimeter
foreseen for the mission, and the mission capacity
would not be enhanced by onboard processing. Alternatively,
from a pure mission perimeter extension
point of view, this use case is of poor interest.
5 One: The use case is not within the perimeter for
which the mission was initially designed, and its
implementation may have extra impact on the system
design (e.g., sending an alert upon an illegal ship
degassing detection may need an additional geostationary
optical link to act with the necessary reactivity
this situation requires). This use case is of great
interest to extend the mission perimeter/capacity but
may be feasible only with a significant impact on the
satellite (e.g., a new optical transmission device onboard)
and system levels (e.g., geostationary relay).
5 Two: The use case is not within the perimeter for which
the mission was initially designed, and apart from the
new AI function, the implementation of this use case
has only a minor impact that can be absorbed by the
current satellite and/or system design. Such a use case
is therefore of great interest to extend the mission perimeter
and/or capacity at a minimal cost.
3) Interest to the community, d This objective indicates
R :
whether the use case is of interest to the community
(e.g., the geoscience and remote sensing research community,
businesses pursuing future trends based on
novelty and impact, and so forth) if it is novel, worthy
of investigation, and has potential to be disruptive:
* Zero: The number of existing papers is low and not increasing,
or the number of papers is notable but has stabilized.
This may be an indicator that the topic did not resonate
in the community or has been widely researched,
and it is difficult/unnecessary to contribute more.
* One: The number of existing papers is large (dozens)
and increasing at a stable pace. This may be an indicator
that the topic is worthy of investigation, although it has
already been researched in the literature.
* Two: The number of existing papers is small (no more
than tens) but increasing fast. This may be an indicator
that the topic is worthy of investigation, novel, and
disruptive and that it attracts significant research attention
very fast.
Constraints relate to sensor capabilities and characteristics.
Also, we discuss the availability of datasets, focusing on
data-driven supervised techniques to achieve robust products.
As in the case of objectives, the scale is either binary
(zero/two) or three-point (zero, one, and two), with larger
values corresponding to more preferred use cases:
1) Sensor capabilities:
* Compatibility with the sensor spectral range,
~ This
cspe :
constraint indicates the feasibility of tackling a use
case with image data (with respect to its spectral
range) captured using the considered sensor:
5 Zero: The sensor is not compatible (it does not capture
the spectral range commonly reported in the
papers discussing the use case).
5 One: The sensor is partly compatible (it captures
part of the spectral range commonly reported in the
papers discussing the use case).
5 Two: The sensor is fully compatible (it captures the
spectral range commonly reported in the papers
discussing the use case).
* Compatibility with the sensor spectral sampling, ~ This
cs :s
constraint indicates the feasibility of tackling a use case
with image data (with respect to their spectral sampling)
captured using the considered sensor:
5 Zero: The commonly reported spectral sampling is
narrower than available in the target sensor; hence,
it may not be possible to capture spectral characteristics
of the objects of interest.
5 One: The commonly reported spectral sampling is
much wider than available in the target sensor (e.g.,
MSIs versus HSIs); hence, we may not fully benefit
from the sensor spectral capabilities.
5 Two: The commonly reported spectral sampling is
compatible with the target sensor.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - Cover1
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - Cover2
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - Contents
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 2
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 3
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 4
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 5
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 6
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 7
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 8
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 9
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 10
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 11
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 12
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 13
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 14
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 15
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 16
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 17
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 18
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 19
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 20
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 21
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 22
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 23
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 24
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 25
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 26
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 27
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 28
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 29
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 30
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 31
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 32
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 33
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 34
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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 36
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 37
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 38
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 39
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 40
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 41
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 42
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 43
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 44
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 45
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 46
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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - 48
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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - Cover3
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - June 2023 - Cover4