IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - 44
II. Last year actIvItIes
171, of which about 60 working in
In April 2014, a new Executive
the southern Italian regions.
Committee has been elected, and
Southern Italy has a long tradiduring the year 2014 three Extion of excellence in remote sensing:
Com meetings were held. In addithe main operative center of the Italtion, the following seminars have
ian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale
been organized and endorsed:
Italiana, ASI) is located near Matera,
in Basilicata, and some very active
◗ Leif Toudal Pedersen, Danmicrowave remote sensing research
ish Meteorological Institute,
centers are based in Campania and
Denmark, held a seminar on
Puglia. This long standing tradition
"Research and operational apis still maintained, as witnessed by
plications of remote sensing of
the fact that both in 2013 and in
sea ice" at Università di Napoli
2014 one of the members of the GRSParthenope in Napoli, 16 JanSI Chapter has been elevated to the
uary 2014.
grade of IEEE Fellow (Dr. R. Lanari in
◗ Florence Tupin, TelecomPar2013 and Prof. D. Riccio in 2014). In
isTech, France, held a cycle
addition, some of the Chapter mem- FIgure 1. IEEE Life Fellow Prof. G. Franceschetti at
of seminars on "Patch based
bers are involved in the organization the GRS-SI Chapter kick-off ceremony, in 2003.
model for image processing
of the upcoming 2015 IEEE Geosciand patch based model for
ence and Remote Sensing SympoSAR imagery" at Università di
sium, and Chapter member Prof. V. Pascazio is General
Napoli Parthenope in Napoli, 10-11 March 2014.
Co-Chair of the Symposium. Finally, some of the Chapter
◗ Richard Bamler, DLR, Germany, held a cycle of semimembers contributed to the design of the COSMO/SkyMed
nars on "A Few Principles of Estimation Theory" at
constellation of four SAR sensors, launched by ASI beUniversità di Napoli Parthenope in Napoli, 10-11-12
tween 2007 and 2010, and many Chapter members have
March 2014.
been involved in scientific research projects for the exploiThe Chapter has endorsed and organized also the foltation of COSMO/SkyMed, RADARSAT, TerraSAR-X and
lowing events in 2014:
Sentinel-1 data.
◗ "2014 IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference" at MarAn important mission of the GRS-SI Chapter is to enitime Hotel, Berlin, Germany, 5-6 June 2014.
courage young professionals interested in research in all
◗ Best Italian remote sensing thesis award.
the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. With this aim,
A dissemination program has been continued to enlarge
since 2004, the Chapter annually presents the "Best Italian
membership and participation to the Chapter, and a conremote sensing thesis award", and it biennially organizes
tinuous action for the elevation to IEEE Senior Member/
the "IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference". This conIEEE Fellow of valuable individuals has been undertaken.
ference offers the opportunity to young graduated (GOLD
A description of Chapter activities and of organized
stands for "Graduate of the Last Decade") to be on the stage
events is available on the Chapter website under the web
showing their advancements in the field of remote sensing:
they must be first author and personally present their work
at the conference.
The "IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference" starttablE 1. list of thE "iEEE Gold REmotE sEnsinG
ed as an Italian national conference, but since its third
confEREncE" Editions.
edition, in 2008, it grew to an international level. The
last edition, in 2014, was held in Berlin, Germany, and
was co-organized with the IEEE GRS Germany Chapter.
May 13-14
Villa Doria D'Angri,
University of Naples "Parthenope"
Young researchers from several European nations, and
Naples, Italy
from Brazil and South Corea, attended the conference.
December 5-6 CNR Conference Room
A list of all the editions of the conference is reported in
Bari, Italy
Table 1, and a photo with some of the participants of the
May 22-23
last edition is shown in Figure 2. The Chapter CommitFrascati, Italy
tee is currently selecting the location of the next edition,
April 29-30
Italian Naval Academy
Livorno, Italy
that will be held in 2016. In that occasion, following the
June 4-5
CNR Marconi Conference Room
decision of IEEE to change the name IEEE GOLD into
Rome, Italy
the new one, "IEEE Young Professionals", the conference
June 5-6
Maritim Hotel Berlin
will be named "IEEE Young Professional Remote SensBerlin, Germany
ing Conference".
ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine
march 2015
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - Cover1
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - Cover2
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - 1
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - 2
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - 3
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - March 2015 - 4
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