GRSS Members Elevated to Senior Member in October-November 2015 I EEE senior membership has the following distinct benefits: ◗◗ the professional recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence ◗◗ an attractive fine wood and bronze engraved Senior Member plaque to proudly display ◗◗ up to a US$25 gift certificate toward one new Society membership ◗◗ a letter of commendation to your employer on the achievement of Senior Member grade (upon the request of the newly elected Senior Member) ◗◗ an announcement of elevation in your Section/Society and/or local newsletters, newspapers, and notices ◗◗ the eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions ◗◗ the ability to serve as a reference for Senior Member applicants ◗◗ an invitation to be on the panel to review Senior Member applications ◗◗ eligibility for election to be an IEEE Fellow. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2016.2522666 Date of publication: 15 April 2016 OCTOBER NOVEMBER Gary Jedlovec Huntsville Section William Junek Melbourne Section Rahul Ramachandran Huntsville Section Kadim Tasdemir Turkey Section Lewis Graham Huntsville Section Prudhvi Gurram Northern Virginia Section Tommaso Isernia Italy Section Frederic Jacob France Section Hyuk Park Spain Section William Philpot Ithaca Section Qihao Weng Central Indiana Section Jihao Yin Beijing Section Applications for senior membership can be obtained from the IEEE website at services/membership/senior/application/index.html. You can also visit the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society website at grs Are You Moving? Don't miss an issue of this magazine- update your contact information now! Update your information by: E-MAIL: PHONE: +1 800 678 4333 in the United States or +1 732 981 0060 outside the United States If you require additional assistance regarding your IEEE mailings, visit the IEEE Support Center at IEEE publication labels are printed six to eight weeks in advance of the shipment date, so please allow sufficient time for your publications to arrive at your new address. © ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/BRIANAJACKSON march 2016 ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine 59 http://www.ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/BRIANAJACKSON