Request for Definition and Feasibility Analysis Request for Ranking and Harmonization SAR Data Acquisition SAR Data Processing Full Product Archive and Catalog Browsing SAR data processing file system-based catalog browsing a full product catalog archive and browsing product dissemination to the final users. The portfolio can be mixed to create different access options. Six of these options are listed in Table 1 and include the following: ◗ Full autonomy: All portfolio capabilities are provided. ◗ Full autonomy with remote acquisition: All portfolio proficiencies are provided, except the local antenna. In this case, the SAR data are received from external antennas. ◗ Production chain: The partner UGS is able to manage the service request up to the feasibility analysis, with processing capability but without a ranking function or acquisition capabilities. It is worth noting that a user's service request can be relevant to the acquisition of new data and/or to the processing of cataloged data. ◗ Partner multisensor interfacing UGS (P-MSI-UGS): Here, there is the capacity to manage the service request up to international harmonization. There is no acquisition or processing function. This option includes the local catalog and archive. ◗ Programing chain: The partner has the ability to manage the service request up to international harmonization. This option does not include acquisition and processing functionalities or a local archive but does include file system-based catalog browsing. ◗ Light option: This option provides the ability to manage the service request up to feasibility analysis and file system-based catalog browsing. The main partner is then in charge of managing both procurement and ranking by addressing acquisition and processing on behalf of the copartner. ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ File System-Based Catalog Browsing Product Dissemination to Final User FIGURE 3. A block diagram of the UGS functionalities available for options tailoring. THE IEM PORTFOLIO OF CAPABILITIES The IEM capabilities portfolio already designed and implemented in the CSK is being further improved in the CSG. This portfolio is composed of the following (see Figure 3): ◗ a request for a definition and a feasibility analysis ◗ a request for ranking and harmonization ◗ a SAR data acquisition through a local antenna or external stations TABLE 1. CSG ACCESS OPTIONS VERSUS CSG UGS FEATURES. ACCESS OPTION FULL AUTONOMY FULL AUTONOMY WITH REMOTE ACQUISITION PRODUCTION CHAIN P-MSI-UGS PROGRAMING CHAIN REMOTE TERMINAL ENTITY PARTNER PARTNER COPARTNER PARTNER PARTNER COPARTNER IEM PORTFOLIO Request for a definition and feasibility analysis x x Request for ranking and harmonization x x SAR data acquisition Local antenna x External stations x x x x SAR data processing x x x x x x File system-based catalog browsing 38 x x Full product catalog archive x x x x Full product catalog browsing x x x x Product dissemination to the final user x x x x x ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine march 2018