A detailed local land property map that includes key infrastructures such as buildings, roads, and power lines and a population-distribution map could be generated based on existing open source data and community participation. These will support the impact assessment as well as early warning communication with the local community. This step also identifies the 1 Landslide Detection at Regional Scales sites for which real-time landslide monitoring (RTLM) is required. ◗◗ Step 3: A multisensor integrated system is installed that combines remote sensing methods and in situ sensors for the specific sites where RTLM is needed. In situ sensors can be carefully located according to the landslide motion information provided by InSAR to achieve 2 Field Investigation and Assessment of Potential Impact at Local Scales Satellite InSAR (b) 50 km (a) ~2 SAR Satellite Multibands Satellite 3 Real-Time Landslide Monitoring at Local Scales UAV GNSS 4 Communication With Local Communities Data Crackmeter Information GNSS Receiver Inclinometer Rain Gauge (c) (d) GB-SAR Information Decision Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis by Experts Information to Local Government Decision Making Engagement Activities by Individuals FIGURE 6. The EO-based landslide EWS. (a) The field investigation to determine geomechanical response properties; (b) the simulation and assessment of potential impact; (c) real-time monitoring on displacement, precipitation, and so on; and (d) long-term displacement rate monitoring and analysis. GB-SAR: ground-based SAR. MARCH 2020 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE 145