Lateral Offset (m) 0.5 0 1 RRMSE: 0.35 RRMSE: 0.05 RRMSE: 0.21 RRMSE: 0.34 RRMSE: 0.196 RRMSE: 0.33 RRMSE: 0.27 RRMSE: 0.201 RRMSE: 0.17 RRMSE: 0.29 RRMSE: 0.107 RRMSE: 0.21 RRMSE: 0.21 RRMSE: 0.06 RRMSE: 0.16 RRMSE: 0.12 RRMSE: 0.058 RRMSE: 0.17 RRMSE: 0.19 RRMSE: 0.038 RRMSE: 0.15 RRMSE: 0.06 RRMSE: 0.03 -2 0 RRMSE: 0.02 RRMSE: 0.11 RRMSE: 0.05 RRMSE: 0.017 RRMSE: 0.07 RRMSE: 0.07 RRMSE: 0.014 RRMSE: 0.12 RRMSE: 0.05 RRMSE: 0.012 RRMSE: 0.06 RRMSE: 0.04 RRMSE: 0.01 RRMSE: 0.07 RRMSE: 0.04 RRMSE: 0.009 RRMSE: 0.09 RRMSE: 0.03 RRMSE: 0.008 RRMSE: 0.02 RRMSE: 0.03 RRMSE: 0.007 2 -2 0 2 Distance Along Transect (m) -2 0 0.67 0.57 0.4 0.44 0.5 Inline Sampling Interval (m) RRMSE: 0.09 0.36 0 RRMSE: 0.15 0.33 RRMSE: 0.025 0.31 0 0.1 0.29 RRMSE: 0.01 0.27 1 0.25 RRMSE: 0.09 25 0 -25 0.24 FDEM Response (ppt) 0.8 1 1.33 2 4 RRMSE: 0.2 2 FIGURE 6. The inline sampling effect on the PRP1 configuration. The QP (blue) and IP (red) data (solid line, expressed in ppt) as sampled by the inline sampling interval are plotted above their theoretical shape (dotted line, similar colors). The inline sampling intervals (expressed in meters) are located on the right-hand side and were distributed evenly along the 4-m transect, ranging between 4 and 0.24 m; the theoretical shape was accurately reconstructed with subsequent smaller intervals. The lateral offset (expressed in meters) of the object with respect to the instrument is indicated at the top and remained constant throughout the columns. 174 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE MARCH 2021