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His research interests include microwave remote sensing, applied electromagnetics, and wave propagation for
indoor and outdoor communications. He has authored/
co-authored more than 250 papers in international journals and conferences. He has formulated various theoretical models to elucidate scattering mechanisms in sparse
media and electrically dense media, leading to better
insight and applications of remote sensing techniques for
monitoring and management of earth resources such as
forest and vegetation.
He is currently the President of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP). Dr.
Chuah was the President of the Institution of Engineers,
Malaysia (2009-2011) and Member of a number of academic committees. He is a Senior Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia (2011) Honorary Fellow of the
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia; Hon. Fellow of the
ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations; Fellow
of the Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society, UK;
the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK; the
Electromagnetics Academy, USA; the ASEAN Academy of
Engineering and Technology; Hon. Member of the Golden
Key International Honour Society; and Hon. Member of
Myanmar Engineering Society. Dr. Chuah has received
many awards, locally and internationally. He was awarded
Honorary Doctor of Engineering by Multimedia University of Malaysia in August 2013.
Further Joachim Ender was recognized with the citation: "For contributions to multi-channel synthetic aperture
radar and radar array signal processing."
Joachim Ender (M'02, SM'06, F'14) is since more than
10 years the head of the Fraunhofer Institute for High
Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques, Germany, and
holds a chair at the University of Siegen. He is engaged
in radar research since 1976 on various fields, especially
on multi-channel synthetic aperture radar, MIMO radar
and compressive sensing techniques applied to radar.
He has developed experimental airborne multi-channel
Joachim Ender is author and co-author of numerous papers and frequently serves as a referee for various
international journals and conferences and as program
committee member for international radar-related conferences. He was one of the founder members of the "European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar" (EUSAR),
which takes place every two years since 1996. In 2009
Joachim Ender started the "International Summer School
on Radar and SAR", bringing together young scientists
from all over the world for one week at a nice location at
the river Rhine to gain education on radar and SAR techniques by distinguished international lecturers.
During the last decades he got several awards, e.g.
(together with colleagues) the "Raytheon Radar Price"
EuRAD 2005 for the "best radar paper". In 2007 he was
one of the authors of a paper which was awarded the
"GRSS Transactions Prize Paper Award of the year 2006".
In 2012, he received from the European Association
for Signal Processing (EURASIP) the "Group Technical
Achievement Award-For contributions to Array Signal
Processing and Multichannel Synthetic Aperture Radar"
and the "Best Paper Award" for a journal publication on
compressive sensing.
The next Fellow to be recognized was Irena Hajnsek
with the citation: "For contributions to synthetic aperture
radar imaging using airborne sensors and satellite missions."
Irena Hajnsek (AM'01, M'06, SM'09, FM'14) is since
November 2009 Professor of the Chair of Earth Observation at the Institute of Environmental Engineering at ETH
Zurich. At the same time she is head of the Polarimetric
SAR Interferometry research group at the German Aerospace Center, Microwaves and Radar Institute. Her main
research interests are in electromagnetic propagation and
scattering theory, radar polarimetry, SAR and Interferometric SAR data processing techniques, environmental
parameter modelling and estimation. In 1996 she received
her diploma degree (Honors) from the Free University of
Berlin, Germany and in 2001 the doctoral degree (Honors)
from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany.
From 1996 to 1999 she was at the Microwaves and Radar
Institute (DLR-HF) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR),
in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. In the frame of the ECTMR Radar Polarimetry Network, Irena Hajnsek was from
1999 to 2000 for 10 months at the Institut d'Electronique
et de Télécommunications de Rennes of the University
of Rennes 1, France and for 4 months with the company
Applied Electromagnetics (AEL) in St. Andrews, Scotland.
In 2005 she was a guest scientist at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. She is the science coordinator of the
German satellite mission TanDEM-X, and is coordinating
internationally conducted airborne SAR campaigns.
The next to be recognized was Scott Hensley with the
citation: "For contributions to radar remote sensing of the
Earth and planetary bodies and advancement of interferometric synthetic aperture radar."
Scott Hensley (SM'10, F'14) received his BS degrees
in mathematics and physics from the University of California at Irvine. He received a PhD in mathematics from
the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he
specialized in the study of differential geometry. Subsequent to graduating, Dr. Hensley worked at Hughes Aircraft Company on a variety of radar systems, including
the Magellan radar.
In 1992, Dr. Hensley joined the staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he studies advanced radar
techniques for geophysical applications. His research
has involved using both stereo and interferometric data
acquired by the Magellan spacecraft at Venus. Dr. Hensley has worked with ERS-1, JERS-1 and SIR-C data for
differential interferometry studies of earthquakes and
volcanoes. He was a major contributor to the ROI-PAC
software package for processing radar differential interferometry data.
ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine
september 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014
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