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Figure 5. All 2014 IEEE GRSS Fellows (from left) with GRSS President Melba Crawford: Joachim Ender, Hean-Teik Chuah, Thomas L. Ain-
sworth, Irena Hajnsek, Scott Hensley, Toshio Iguchi, Michael D. King, Daniele Riccio, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Jiancheng Shi, and IEEE
Division IX Director Marina Ruggieri at the right.
Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (2006). He is
Principal Investigator for international research projects
on exploitation of remote sensing data and design of synthetic aperture radars, and participates to technical committees of international symposia on electromagnetics and
remote sensing. His research interests focuses on microwave remote sensing, electromagnetic scattering, synthetic
aperture radar with emphasis on sensor design, data simulation and information retrieval, as well as application of
fractal geometry to remote sensing. He has authored three
books, including Scattering, Natural Surfaces and Fractals
(2007), and more than 300 papers.
Prof. Riccio is the Coordinator of the Ph.D. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at his University. He is an Associate Editor for the journals Remote Sensing, Sensors, The Open Remote Sensing Journal and Applied
Remote Sensing Journal. He was the recipient of the 2009
Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award for
the best paper published in year 2008 in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
The next to be recognized was Jiancheng Shi with the
citation: "For contributions to active and passive microwave
remote sensing."
Jiancheng Shi (M'95, SM'02, F'14) received his B.A.
from the University of Lanzhou in China, and his M.A.
and Ph.D. degrees in Geography from the University of
California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 1982, 1987, and 1991,
respectively. He then worked the Earth Research Institute
at UCSB as a research scientist. In 2010 he joined the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth in Beijing, China
as a director of State Key Laboratory for Remote Sensing
Science (e-mail: He is an associate editor
for Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters and a senior member of IEEE since 2002.
Dr. Shi has wide research interests in remote sensing
technologies, especially in microwave remote sensing in
both active and passive techniques and its applications in
hydrology and climatic change, including: 1) microwave
modeling of snow, soil, and vegetation properties; especially by using state-of-the-art the theoretical microwave
scattering and emission models to develop the simple,
fast, and accurate parameterized microwave models for
snow, vegetation, and rough surfaces, 2) development of
theory and novel inversion techniques for active and passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture, snow and
vegetation physical properties, 3) applications of remote
sensing data in water cycle and climatic change studies.
He has published more than 240 journal and conference
papers that relate to above research topics.
The call for nominations for the GRSS Education Award,
the GRSS Outstanding Service Award and the GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award are published in the GRSS Magazine. The nomination forms are available on the GRSS
home page ( Any
member, with the exception of GRSS AdCom members,
can make nominations to recognize deserving individuals. Typically the lists of candidates comprise three to five
names. An independent Major Awards Committee makes the
selection, which is approved by the GRSS AdCom.
IEEE GRSS EducatIon awaRd
The Education Award was established to recognize an
individual who has made significant educational contributions to the field of GRSS. In selecting the individual,
the factors considered are significance of the educational
contribution in terms of innovation and the extent of its
overall impact. The contribution can be at any level, including K-12, undergraduate and graduate teaching, professional development, and public outreach. It canĀ also be
in any form (e.g. textbooks, curriculum development, educational program initiatives). IEEE GRSS membership or
affiliation is required. The awardee receives a certificate.
The 2014 Education Award was not presented this year.
IEEE GRSS outStandInG SERvIcE awaRd
The Outstanding Service Award was established to recognize an individual who has given outstanding service
for the benefit and advancement of the Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Society. The award shall be considered
annually but will not be presented unless a suitable candidate is identified. The following factors are suggested
for consideration: leadership innovation, activity, service,
ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine
september 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014
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