IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014 - 67
Werner Wiesbeck, Martti Hallikainen, and MaHta MogHaddaM,
IEEE GRSS Awards Committees Chairs
IEEE GRSS Awards 2014: Call for Nominations
ominations for the IEEE GRS-Society awards are
due December 15. Not only for the Major Awards,
but also for the Special Awards and for the Publication
Awards nominations from the members are requested.
The award descriptions have links to the nomination
forms and there the submission addresses are listed.
Below the awards are listed with links to a detailed description and to the nomination forms.
GRSS DiStinGuiSheD
Achievement AwARD (DAA)
Eligibility: IEEE membership is not required but is
The Distinguished Achievement Award was established to recognize an individual who has made significant technical contributions, usually over a sustained
period, within the scope of the Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Society. In selecting the individual, the factors
considered are quality, significance and impact of the
contributions; quantity of the contributions; duration
of significant activity; papers published in archival
journals; papers presented at conferences and symposia; patents granted; advancement of the profession.
The award is considered annually and presented only if
a suitable candidate is identified. The awardee receives
a plaque and a certificate. Description and Nomination Form: Distinguished Achievement Award.
GRSS eDucAtion AwARD (eA)
Eligibility: Member or Affiliate Member of the IEEE GRSS.
The purpose of this award is to reward significant
educational contributions in the field of remote sensing. The award shall be considered annually, but will
only be awarded when an outstanding recipient is
identified. The awardee receives a certificate. Description and Nomination Form: Education Award (EA).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2345973
Date of publication: 17 October 2014
september 2014
ieee Geoscience and remote sensing magazine
GRSS outStAnDinG SeRvice AwARD (oSA)
Eligibility: Must be an IEEE GRSS member.
The Outstanding Service Award was established to
recognize an individual who has given outstanding
service for the benefit and advancement of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. The award shall
be considered annually but not be presented if a suitable candidate is not identified. The following factors
are suggested for consideration: leadership, innovation, activity, service, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation. The awardee receives a certificate. Description and Nomination Form: Outstanding
Service Award.
Description: The GRSS established the GRSS Transactions Prize Paper Award (TPPA) to recognize the
authors who have published in the IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGARS) during the
calendar year an exceptional paper in terms of content
and impact on the GRS-Society. If a suitable paper cannot be identified from among those published during
the calendar year, papers published in prior years and
subsequently recognized as being meritorious may be
considered. A Certificate and honorarium (US$3000)
are presented. If the paper has more than one author,
the honorarium shall be shared. Description and Nomination Form: Transactions Prize Paper Award (TPPA).
Description: The GRSS established the Letters Prize Paper Award (LPPA) to recognize the authors who have published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
during the calendar year an exceptional paper in terms
of content and impact on the GRS-Society. If a suitable
paper cannot be identified from among those published
during the calendar year, papers published in prior years
and subsequently recognized as being meritorious may
be considered. A Certificate and honorarium (US$1500)
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014 - Cover1
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine - September 2014 - Cover2
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