CDS API Applications Scripts CDS CLI CDS Library CDS WS Client CDS WS Servers Data Exposure Relevance Co-Location Convenience Extensible High-Performance Compute/Storage Fabric Storage-Proximal Analytics Canonical Operations Problem Data Worker Node 1 Map Master Node Worker Node 2 Reduce Worker Node n Solution Data MERRA Reanalysis Map Reduce FIGURE 4. The MERRA/AS provides an end-to-end demonstration of the principles underlying CAaaS: important data embedded in a high- performance storage-compute environment where analytic services are exposed via web services to client-side applications through an easy-to-use client-side API tailored to the climate research community. CLI: command-line interface, WS: web service. for Ecosystem Recovery wildfire decision support system that is being used for postfire rehabilitation planning by Burned Area Emergency Response teams within the U.S. Department of Interior and the U.S. Forest Service [28]. This capability has led to the development of new data products based on climate reanalysis data that until now were not available to the wildfire community. In our largest deployment exercise to date, the CDS client distribution package and the CDS API have been used by the iPlant Collaborative to integrate MERRA data and MERRA/AS functionality into the iPlant Discovery Environment. iPlant is a virtual organization created by a cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation to create cyberinfrastructure for the plant sciences. The project develops computing systems and software that combine computing resources, like those of TeraGrid, and bioinformatics and computational biology software. Its goal is easier collaboration among researchers with improved data access and processing efficiency. Primarily centered in the United States, it collaborates interseptember 2016 ieee Geoscience and remote sensinG maGazine nationally and includes a wide range of governmental and private-sector partners [29]. Initial results have shown that analytic engine optimizations can yield near real-time performance of MERRA/ AS's canonical operations and that the total time required to assemble relevant data for many applications can be significantly reduced, often by as much as two to three orders of magnitude [24]. NExT-GENERATION CyBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR ENHANCED INTEROPERABILITy Big data challenges are sometimes viewed as problems of large-scale data management where solutions are offered through an array of traditional storage and archive theories and technologies. These approaches tend to view big data as an issue of storing and managing large amounts of structured data for the purpose of finding subsets of interest. Alternatively, big data challenges can be viewed as knowledge management problems where solutions are offered through an array of analytic techniques and technologies. These 19