(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) FIGURE 6. The simulations conducted for reconstructing missing pixels using different methods. (a) A Terra MODIS LST acquired on 10 October 2010. (b) A simulated LST image with missing pixels from (a). (c)-(e) Terra MODIS LSTs acquired on (c) 4 September 2010, (d) 20 September 2010, and (e) 6 October 2010. The reconstruction results followed the (f) spatial reconstruction method in [58], (g) temporal reconstruction approach in [63] using MODIS LSTs in (c)-(e), and (h) spatiotemporal reconstruction technique in [56] using the same auxiliary data as those employed in the temporal reconstruction method. The regions marked with red ovals show that the spatial reconstruction method brings severe artifacts. the regions marked with a red ellipse. These images demonstrate that simple interpolation does not give a satisfactory result when the image data contain abundant missing values. The results of the temporal reconstruction method are shown in Figure 6(g). Fewer artifacts are observed in this approach than in the spatial reconstruction. However, the temporal reconstruction method introduced apparent errors caused by temporal inconsistencies. When using the spatiotemporal reconstruction technique, shown in Figure 6(h), all missing pixels were reconstructed with no visible artifacts or errors. This experiment shows that spatiotemporal reconstruction