The Institute - December 2021 - 53

These reviews and revisions were
necessary because our policies had not
been reexamined in many years. The
updates incorporate high-level principles
such as a commitment not to
engage in harassment, and protecting
the privacy of others. These changes
reflect IEEE's longstanding commitment
to ensuring the engineering
profession maximizes its impact and
success by welcoming, engaging, and
rewarding all those who contribute to
the field in an equitable manner.
Reporting mechanisms
In addition, as part of IEEE's commitment
to meeting the highest standards
of integrity, responsibility, and ethical
behavior, the IEEE Board of Directors
adopted a set of changes to the IEEE
Bylaws and Policies to strengthen our
Ethics and Member Conduct processes
around reporting, mediation, adjudication,
appealing, and sanctioning ethical
misconduct. The new ethics reporting
processes went into effect on 1 April.
The primary goals of the changes are
to simplify the process for filing reports of
misconduct, to increase the transparency
of how IEEE handles complaints, and to
expand the accessibility of the process and
make it more inclusive. The time frame
to report professional ethics violations
has been increased from two years to five
years from the date of the incident. These
improvements reinforce the value IEEE
places on holding our members and stakeholders
to the highest ethical standards.
I am extremely proud of the good
work that we have been accomplishing
across IEEE to ensure that our environments
are safe and that our members
have collaborative and collegial places
that promote the best technical discussions,
where all voices are heard.
I urge all IEEE's entities to continue
to work together to meet the growing
expectations of members and other
stakeholders for an inclusive and equitable
culture that welcomes, engages, and
rewards all who contribute to the field.
IEEE president and CEO
Thank you for your continued support.
Please share your thoughts with me at
Rising From
Humble Beginnings
An engineering degree can be a ticket to success
members who had modest
upbringings and went on to
do great things.
As a teenager, Henry
Samueli [page 54] stocked
shelves and operated the
cash register at his parents'
liquor/grocery store. He had
no idea what an electrical
engineer was until a teacher
in middle school predicted he
would become one after he
built an AM/FM shortwave
radio from an electronics kit.
The IEEE Fellow went on
to help found Broadcom, a
prominent producer of chips
used in communications
and networking equipment.
A well-known philanthropist,
Samueli has pledged
to give away the majority of
his wealth to programs that
support STEM education,
integrative health, youth
services, and social justice.
Senior Member Thy
Tran fled Vietnam in 1979
with her family. On page
58, she talks about her
harrowing journey to the
United States-which
included a stay at a refugee
camp in Thailand. Her
career as an engineer lifted
her family out of poverty.
Tran is now vice president
of DRAM process integration
at Micron.
On page 62, learn about
the Folsom Powerhouse
in California, the birthplace
of the AC grid. Now
an IEEE Milestone, it was
the first facility to send
high-voltage alternating
current over long-distance
transmission lines.
To help reduce the time
it takes to diagnose the
novel coronavirus in areas
that lack health care facilities,
IEEE Fellow Bahram
Javidi [page 61] developed
an inexpensive 3D-printed
microscope. Using holo
graphy and deep-learning
technology, the microscope
can detect COVID-19 in a
drop of blood in a matter
of minutes.
Another diagnostic tool
that uses AI is revolutionizing
cancer diagnosis. On
page 65, learn how startup
Paige uses machine learning
to help pathologists make
faster, more accurate diagnoses
of prostate and breast
cancer from tissue-sample
images. Its chief executive is
IEEE Member Leo Grady.
Are you an IEEE member
who has founded a startup
and is looking for financial
support? The new Powered
by IEEE program on page
64 can provide you with
discounts on subscriptions
to the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library and the IEEE DataPort
dataset platform.
Also in this issue, on
page 60, check out the new
IEEE Teaching Excellence
Hub, a resource for
university-level educators
who teach engineering,
computer science, and
Congratulations to
IEEE Life Fellow Saifur
Rahman, the 2022 IEEE
president-elect [page 56].
Editor in chief, The Institute
For updates about IEEE and its
members, visit us at

The Institute - December 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Institute - December 2021

The Institute - December 2021 - 51
The Institute - December 2021 - 52
The Institute - December 2021 - 53
The Institute - December 2021 - 54
The Institute - December 2021 - 55
The Institute - December 2021 - 56
The Institute - December 2021 - 57
The Institute - December 2021 - 58
The Institute - December 2021 - 59
The Institute - December 2021 - 60
The Institute - December 2021 - 61
The Institute - December 2021 - 62
The Institute - December 2021 - 63
The Institute - December 2021 - 64
The Institute - December 2021 - 65
The Institute - December 2021 - 66