Daniel Friedman gave the talk "Hybrid PLL Architectures and Implementations." Nick Van Helleputte presented "Sensor Interface Circuits." undergraduate students showcased their scientific research and achievements. The symposium continued with a discussion session, where attendees talked about the current state and challenges of analog circuit design. The event ended with a networking session, where attendees had the opportunity to meet and interact with each other. For more information on the IEEE SSCS Montréal Chapter's past events and upcoming seminars, please visit www.ieeesscsmontreal.org. -Mohammad Honarparvar Chapter Vice-Chair, IEEE SSCS Montréal Chapter -Mohamad Sawan Chapter Chair, IEEE SSCS Montréal Chapter The ReSMiQ Annual Symposium participants with the IEEE SSCS DLs. IMAGE LICENSED BY GRAPHIC STOCK 90 We want to hear from you! su m m e r 2 0 18 IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE Do you like what you're reading? Your feedback is important. Let us know-send the editor-in-chief an e-mail!http://ieee-sscsmontreal.org/