visibility to diverse leaders in the field and their accomplishments. We have seen an increase in female representation in plenaries, technical program committees, and fellowship/ award recipients since 2018. KW: I believe Women in Circuits Farhana and husband in Korea. has given more women opportunities for roles on the conference technical program committee and on AdCom that have enabled them to be more involved in the Society and given them technical and leadership skills. With our evening sessions at ISSCC, we have been able to highlight women speakers as well as bring women together for our Rising Stars (2020) and Next-Gen Circuit Designers (2022) at an early stage in their careers and enable them to network among themselves as well as with experienced engineers. We have also been able to highlight some innovative work that women have been doing in our annual fall " Women in Circuits " issue of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. I think we still struggle with women staying in the field at different points in their life, whether it is due to prioritizing a spouse's job, raising children, or taking care of their elderly parents. AW: Why are you a member of the SSCS? What benefit does it bring you? KW: Being a member of the SSCS Kathy in Burlington, VT. 86 FALL 2023 IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE has given me the opportunity to meet and network with many men and women outside of my own company. I've enjoyed participating on a number of different conference technical program committees. In addition to staying current on innovations in the field, I find attending conferences to be refreshing for thinking about new ideas to apply in my own