SUMMER 2020 VOL. 12 * NO. 3 FEATURES Level Shifter 18 Time-Encoding Analog-to-Digital Converters Gate Driver Vin Rpu By Georges G.E. Gielen, Luis Hernandez, and Pieter Rombouts 28 How to Evaluate Deep Neural Bootstrap Supply Vboot VDD D Qgate Cboot Vsw VDD Control Logic Power Switch Load IN Low Side Network Processors By Vivienne Sze, Yu-Hsin Chen, Tien-Ju Yang, and Joel S. Emer 42 Analog Building Blocks of dc-dc Converters ABOUT THIS IMAGE: To learn more about bootstrapping in dc-dc converters as a way to provide the high-side gate supply by means of a bootstrap capacitor, see "Analog Building Blocks of dc-dc Converters" by Bernhard Wicht. By Bernhard Wicht COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS 3 CONTRIBUTORS 4 EDITOR'S NOTE 5 PRESIDENT'S CORNER 7 ASSOCIATE EDITOR'S VIEW 8 THE ANALOG MIND 15 CIRCUIT INTUITIONS 48 CHAPTERS 57 CONFERENCE REPORTS 62 SOCIETY NEWS 66 IEEE NEWS 68 CONFERENCE CALENDAR Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2020.3001824 IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE SU M M E R 2 0 2 0 1