The audience members at Dr. Jamoussi's talk, " 5G, AI, and the Digital Transformation of Industry. " The speaker introduced the innovative approach of launching new standardization initiatives related to emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, and AI, attracting a new wave of buyers. Jamoussi also explained how to bring together the telecommunications and finance sectors to develop digital payment guidelines and standards with the aim of advancing financial inclusion globally. An interactive Q&A session with the audience was held after the talk. The Q&A session. -Brahim Mezghani T 3M4Q Competition The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Tunisia Chapter organized a 3M4Q competition on 21 May 2022 during the Days of the Doctoral School Sciences and Technology (JEDST'22) at the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS). The 3M4Q (3 min to answer four questions) competition is intended for students, who are asked to deliver a short talk in a 3-min presentation to convince a diverse audience of the importance of their Ph.D. research by addressDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2022.3178890 Date of current version: 24 August 2022 98 SUMMER 2022 Students from the second-year engineering program and Ph.D. students at the registration desk for Ph.D. students for the 3M4Q competition during JEDST'22 at the ENIS. IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE