FO ISSCC 2015 M JI T 1 = JSSC 2014 1 -2 FO 30 FO M JIT M JI T = -2 ISSCC 2013 ESSC IRC 2015 Jitter Variance (σRMS 2) (ps2) Jitter Variance (σRMS 2) (ps2) 40 ISSCC 2015 0.1 ISSCC 2010 JSSC 2015 VLSI 2013 ISSCC 2014 ISSCC 2018 ISSCC 2015 [3] ISSCC 2016 JSSCC 2009 0.01 JSSCC 2018 ISSCC 2020 JSSC 2016 0.1 ISSCC 2017FOM ISSCC 2013 JIT ISSCC 2014 [2] FO ISSCC 2020 M JIT ISSCC 2019 FO FO M T = JI T -2 = 60 0.001 1 =- 24 0 FO M JI ISSCC 2019 ISSCC 2019 ISSCC 2019 =- 23 0 ISSCC 2018 [6] JSSC 2014 0.01 =- 22 0 M JIT -2 50 10 Power (mW) =- 25 0.001 100 1 (a) 10 Power (mW) 0 100 (b) Peak PAE (%) FIGURE 6: Oscillator trends for (a) subsampling PLLS and (b) frequency synthesizers above 20 GHz. JSSC: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 CMOS 30 SiGe CMOS Trend 40 Psat (dBm) GaN 50 GaAs SiGe Trend 60 LDMOS ISSCC 2020 CMOS FIGURE 7: The under-6-GHz PA trend. SiGe: silicon germanium; GaAs: gallium arsenide; LDMOS: laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor. the figure. Advanced voltage-controlled oscillatorandmm-waveoutputfrequencygeneration circuit designs operating with greater stability at a lower power consumption redefine the state of the art in CMOS designs and ensure that advances 12 WINTER 2020 in frequency synthesis will continue for the foreseeable future. RF and mm-Wave PAs Doherty-type PAs integrated in CMOS are demonstrating an improved power- IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE added efficiency (PAE) at the higher peak-to-average power ratios de manded by advanced modulation formats, such as 5G New Radio (NR). A 24-30-GHz watt-level Doherty PA fully integrated in 45-nm silicon-on-insulator CMOS employs a multiprimary distributed active-transformer power combiner and is capable of supporting 5G NR transmissions. Multiway power combing and active load modulation are achieved simultaneously. A digital polar PA prototype operating in class-G mode also functions above 1 W but in the 2.4-GHz industry, science, and medicine band (Figure 7). Remarkably, when the output power is reduced by 18 dB, this PA can still provide drain efficiencies approaching 50% of peak performance. The signal quality under 1,024 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is excellent at a - 44.5-dB error vector magnitude for a 23.2-dBm RF power output (Figure 8). ISSCC 2020 will also