An Exciting Year of Events for the SSCS Seattle Chapter T The newly formed IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Seattle Chapter, Washington, had an exciting year of events in late 2018-2019. Chris Rudell, Chapter chair, and Visvesh Sathe, Chapter vice-chair, hosted speakers in the field of IC to provide informative and innovative talks on the latest developments in the field. The inaugural event held by the SSCS Seattle Chapter was a presentation by Alvin Loke (Qualcomm) in December Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2019.2951647 Date of current version: 23 January 2020 Brian Ginsburg gives a radar presentation to students, faculty, and IEEE Members. Some IEEE SSCS Seattle Chapter presentations are sponsored jointly with the University of Washington Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering's Colloquium series. The presentations are professionally filmed and will be placed online for viewing by SSCS members. Dr. Bertan Bakkaloglu presents state-of-the-art work on voltage regulation. The attendees listen to Bakkaloglu's talk. 82 WINTER 2020 IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE Chapter Chair Chris Rudell (left) and Bakkaloglu at the University of Washington.