by Siu Jun Yen and Jaydeep Saha Joint IEEE IAS/PELS Singapore SBC Presents Global Energy Prize Lecture T he Global Energy Prize lecture on Power Electronics The Key Technology for Grid Integration of Renewables was held on 24 February 2020 at the National University of Singapore (NUS). This seminar was organized by the Joint IEEE Industry Applications Society/ Power Electronics Society (IAS/ PELS) Singapore Student Branch Chapter (SBC). In his opening speech, Frede Blaabjerg, a professor from Aalborg Uni-versity in Denmark and the current president of the IEEE PELS, explained the contributions he made that rewarded him with the Global Energy Prize (Figure 1). This honor is awarded to individuals to recognize their achievements in energy research and technology around the world. Professor Blaabjerg gave a perceptive talk that explained how the energy paradigm has changed from the traditional fossil-based fuels to the current clean renewable fuels. His talk further explored the various existing and emerging power electronics solutions for integrating renewable energy into the grid, and the control strategy for power electronic converters that optimally manages renewable energy penetration. The seminar was attended by industry professionals and participants from academic institutions who are situated in Singapore. Although the facility only allowed fifty attendees to be on-site due to Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2020.3033743 Date of current version: 16 December 2020 70 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE FIG 1 Prof. Frede Blaabjerg commencing his lecture on Power Electronics - The Key Technology for Grid Integration of Renewables. the pandemic, all of the attendees were engaged throughout the entire seminar during the discussions with Professor Blaabjerg enabled the attendees to gain great insights. T he Joi nt I EEE I A S / PEL S SBC committee and volunteers enjoyed interacting with the attendees and were encouraged by the participation and feedback. The SBC looks forward to organizing more of these events regularly. z December 2020 Additionally, the SBC collaborated with RIKEN, Japan to hold a meeting on 14 February, 2020 between the professors at RIKEN, Japan and researchers for the Power and Energy group at NUS. The collaboration involved suitable researchers and graduate students from NUS to develop power electronic solutions for gridintegration of non-conventional energy storage systems developed by RIKEN.