Cost-Effective ArduinoBased SPWM Control of an Inverter for Training by Antonio Menacho, Manuel Blázquez, Pedro Plaza, Elio San Cristóbal, Sergio Martín, Clara Pérez, Manuel Castro, and Ramón Carrasco Borrego I n this work, a cost-effective sine pulse-width modulation (SPWM) control of an inverter has been implemented using Arduino UNO microcontroller, which can be used with various power stages. The proposed model is focused on power electronics training or learning. It allows users to practice the control of an inverter without the need to be in a face-to-face laboratory. The proposed model facilitates remote experimentation to acquire the required knowledge or competencies. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2021.3123756 Date of current version: 16 December 2021 2329-9207/21©2021IEEE December 2021 z IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 23 GEARS ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/NANTAPONG KITTISUBSIRIhttp://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/NANTAPONG