EFFICIENCY ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/JIRSAK. ELECTRIC BOLT ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/FARBAI Enabling 99.3% Efficiency in 3.6 kW Totem-Pole PFC Using New 750 V Gen 4 SiC FETs by Ke Zhu, Anup Bhalla, and Jonathan Dodge Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2021.3123757 Date of current version: 16 December 2021 30 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE z December 2021 his article explains how the breakthrough performance of UnitedSiC 750 V Gen 4 SiC FETs enables a simple design of highly efficient totem-pole PFC. Efficiency measurements on the developed unit will demonstrate a 99.3% efficiency rating. Insight into the losses is provided by the new UnitedSiC FET-Jet calculator on-line tool, which are shown to match the actual measurements quite well. Finally, it discusses how the high efficiency of SiC FETs allows further BOM cost reduction for totem-pole PFC. 2329-9207/21©2021IEEE Thttp://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/JIRSAK http://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/FARBAI