Society News Congratulations to the 2021 PELS Award Winners! I n keeping with the tradition of recognizing technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society and the engineering profession, IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) has announced the wi nne r s of its 2021 PELS awards. The winners were announced by the 2021 IEEE PELS Awards chair Andreas Lindemann of Universi taet Magdeburg, Germany. The IEEE PELS R. David Middlebrook Achievement Award was presented to ShuHung Henry Chung for energy utilization technologies for smart cities. The recipient of the IEEE PELS Harry A. Owen Jr. Distinguish - ed Service Award was Braham Ferreira for exemplary service to and leadership of the Power Electronics Society. The IEEE Award for Achievement in Power Electronics Standards was given to Bruce Thackwray for sustained substantial contributions to multiple IEEE standards regarding power transformers and inductors. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2021.3124036 Date of current version: 16 December 2021 The winner of the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award was Yongheng Yang for contributions to the design and control of grid-friendly solar photovoltaic systems. The IEEE McMurray Award for Industry Achievements in Power Electronics was presented to Amit Gupta for the leadership in advancing power conversion systems for aerospace, train and wind turbine power system. The IEEE Power Electronics Emerging Technology Award went to Grant Covic for leadership and innovation in wireless power transfer. The IEEE PELS Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Achievement Award was given to Wei Qiao for contributions to condition monitoring and control of power electronics interfaced sustainable energy systems. The recipient of the IEEE PELS Technical Achievement Award for Integration and Miniaturization of Switching Power Converters was Cian O'Mathuna for his leadership in bringing together the electronic industry and academia to collaborate toward the development of the power supply on chip (PwrSoC). The IEEE PELS Vehicle and Transportation Systems Achievement Award went to G. Abas Goodarzi for contributions to the advancement of electric powertrains for medium and heavy duty vehicles. The Power Electronics Society Best Chapter Award was presented to the IEEE PELS Bangalore Section Chapter. The Power Electronics Society Best Student Branch Award went to the IEEE PELS Tsinghua University student branch chapter. 54 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE December 2021 IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING