IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 39
trial Electronics Society conference. He has also been the
recipient of many awards, such as research excellence
This article discusses the problems associated with
travel awards in 2014 and 2015 from Texas A&M University
controlled MV ac drives and the trend toward lowering
at Qatar and paper support awards in 2009, 2014, 2015, and
switching frequency and improving the efficiency of MV
2016 from the Scientific and Technological Research Coundrive systems. In analyzing MV drives, the quality of
cil of Turkey.
current and voltage wave shapes at both the input and
Shaikh Moinoddin (
output terminals is an important factor. The applicareceived the B.E. and M.Tech. degrees in electrical engition, the topology used, the size of filter components,
neering and the Ph.D. degree in multiphase inverter modthe switching frequency, and the control strategy haneling and control, all from Aligarh Muslim University
dle the current waveforms. There will be minimal
(AMU), India, in 1996, 1999, and 2009, respectively. He
effects on the motor side if a better power factor and
served in the Indian Air Force from 1971 to 1987. He
power quality with higher efficiency are obtained. In
has been with the University Polythis article, most of the existing
technic, AMU, since 1987, where he
shortcomings-such as overvoltage
is currently an assistant professor.
due to dv/dt or wave reflection,
An Intelligent Power
He is also a postdoctoral research
bearing currents due to CM voltage,
associate at Texas A&M University,
regeneration capabilities, torsional
Module has been
Doha, Qatar. His principal research
vibration, isolating transformer or
developed to protect
interests include power electronics
transformerless solutions, fault
IGBTs from short
and electric drives. He received
detection, and condition monitorthe University Gold Medals for
ing-were discussed, and solutions
circuit and to provide
graduating as valedictorian in the
were noted whenever possible.
a negative voltage
electrical branch and in all branches of engineering during the B.E.
About the Authors
to avoid false
1996 exams.
Haitham Abu-Rub (haitham.abu-rub@
switching signals,
Mariusz Malinowski (malin@ received his M.Sc.
received his Ph.D. and
degree from Gdynia Maritime Acadwhich reduces
D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineeremy, Poland, in 1990 and a Ph.D.
switching losses.
ing from the Institute of Control and
degree from the Technical UniversiIndustrial Electronics, Warsaw Unity of Gdan´sk, Poland, in 1995, both
versity of Technology, Poland, in
in electrical engineering. He also
2001 and 2012, respectively. He has authored more than
received a Ph.D. degree in humanities from the Universi130 technical papers and received the IEEE Industrial
ty of Gdan´sk, Poland, in 2004. Since 2006, he has been
Electronics Society David Irwin Early Career Award in
associated with Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar,
2011 for "outstanding research and development of modwhere he was promoted to professor. Currently, he is
ulation and control for industrial electronics convertthe chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering
ers." He participated in several scientific and industrial
Program at that university as well as the managing
projects related to the application of power electronics
director of the Smart Grid Center extension in Qatar.
converters for renewable energy resources. He is a FelHis main research interests are energy conversion syslow of the IEEE.
tems, including electric drives, power electronic conJaroslaw Guzinski ( received
verters, renewable energy, and smart grids. He is the
the M.Sc., Ph.D., and D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering
recipient of many prestigious international awards, such
from the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering,
as the American Fulbright Scholarship, the German
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in 1994, 2000,
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, the German Acaand 2012, respectively. He was an assistant professor until
demic Exchange Service Scholarship, and the British
2000 with Gdansk University of Technology, where he is
Royal Society Scholarship.
currently an adjunct professor. From 2006 to 2009, he was
Sertac Bayhan ( received the
involved with Alstom Transport in a predictive mainteB.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Gazi University, Ankanance project dedicated to high-speed trains. He supervised
ra, Turkey, in 2006, 2008, and 2012, respectively, all in electwo grants supported by the Polish government related to
trical engineering. He is with the Department of Electronestimation and control of drives with a motor filter. He is
ics and Automation, Gazi University, where he has been a
the author and coauthor of more than 100 papers in interfaculty member since 2009. He is currently an assistant
national journals and conferences. His main interests
research scientist at Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar.
include sensorless control of electrical motors, digital sigHis research interests lie in the areas of power electronics,
nal processors, electric vehicles, renewable energy, and
motor drives, and renewable energy conversion systems.
smart grids.
He was awarded best presentation at the 2015 IEEE IndusJune 2016
z IEEE PowEr ElEctronIcs MagazInE
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - Cover1
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - Cover2
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 1
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 2
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 3
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 4
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 5
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 6
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 7
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 8
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 9
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 10
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 11
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 12
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 13
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 14
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 15
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 16
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 17
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 18
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 19
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 20
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 21
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 22
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 23
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 24
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 25
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 26
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 27
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 28
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 29
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 30
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 31
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 32
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 33
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 34
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 35
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 36
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 37
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 38
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 39
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 40
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 41
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 42
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 43
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 44
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 45
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 46
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 47
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 48
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 49
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - 50
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - Cover3
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine - June 2016 - Cover4